I'm sorry to be asking basic usage questions again.

I have no trouble with the everyday use of monotone -- mind you, the 
everyday commands are add, drop, sync, and update and they are pretty 
simple once everything has been set up.

But I don't clone often.  I don't set up new databases often, and I 
regret to say that I still need to ask on this list every time I do it.  
I always seem to do something wrong.

Today it's cloning a database from a server to a new machine.

Is clone even the right way to do this?  I could perhaps fall back 
to the more specific nonamalgameted commands.

hendrik@midwinter:~$ mtn clone --db=~/.monotone/databases/howto.mtn --key 
--branch=com.pooq.hendrik.howto howto
mtn: connecting to 'mtn://topoi.pooq.com/howto'
mtn:   include pattern  'com.pooq.hendrik.howto'
mtn:   exclude pattern  ''
mtn: finding items to synchronize:
mtn: successful exchange with 'mtn://topoi.pooq.com/howto'
mtn:  bytes in | bytes out | certs in
mtn:       351 |       701 |      0/0
mtn: misuse: branch 'com.pooq.hendrik.howto' is empty

and listing the branches agrees.

hendrik@midwinter:~$ mtn -d ~/.monotone/databases/howto.mtn list branches

The thing is, listing the branches on the server does *not* agree:

hendrik@april:~$ mtn -d ~/.monotone/databases/howto.mtn list branches

(yes, the computer identifying itself as april in indeed also topoi.  
That's not the problem)

Somehow I've missed out on doing something.  I'm hoping other eyes will 
see what I don't.

Here's are the relevant usher stanzas I use on the server

userpass        "hendrik" "notmypassword"
monotone        "/usr/bin/mtn" "-k" "hend...@topoi.pooq.com"
listenaddr      ""
adminaddr       ""
logdir          "/farhome/hendrik/monotone/usher-log/"

server          "howto"
host            ""
pattern         "com.pooq.topoi.howto"
local           "-d" "/farhome/hendrik/.monotone/databases/howto.mtn"

-- hendrik

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