Hello Shawn,

You can add "-v -v -v" options to "additional mtouch arguments" (right
click on your project, select "Option", then "iPhone Build") to enable
a more verbose builds. Anything that ends up non-useful, like "mtouch
failed with no output (1)", should be reported as a bug report on
http://bugzilla.xamarin.com - if possible with a test case so we'll be
able to diagnose the issue and provide better error reports in future
releases of MonoTouch.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 2:48 PM, shawnlehner <shawnleh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I was for some reason looking at the wrong logs. I found the error:
> "Could not link assemblies: Mono.Linker.ResolutionException: Can not resolve
> reference: System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder"
> Obviously this is an issue with the reflection classes used by Json.NET. I
> read a post that suggested setting the linker to link all assemblies but
> this did not have an effect. Are the specific arguments I could be passing
> when building?

System.Reflection.Emit (SRE) is not supported by MonoTouch because
Apple does not allow JITting to occurs on devices [1]. Normally you
should have got an error earlier while compiling the assembly that
used TypeBuilder - unless you're using a pre-build binary ?

Some JSON assemblies, like Newtonsoft.Json.MonoTouch.dll (maybe
others, I'm not sure beside MonoTouch's own System.Json.dll), can be
compiled to avoid using SRE and will work for MonoTouch-based


[1] http://ios.xamarin.com/Documentation/Limitations#No_Dynamic_Code_Generation
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