Hello Michael,

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Michael Muegel <mike.mue...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Sorry, Autorotate = true.
> From: Michael Muegel <mike.mue...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 20:44:16 -0500
> To: <monotouch@lists.ximian.com>
> Subject: Re: UITabBarController with UISplitViewController
> I posted my question to StackOverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7883375/uitabbarcontroller-with-uisplitviewcontroller-monotouch
> My issue — thanks poupou <http://stackoverflow.com/users/220643/poupou>! —
> was that I had to add Autorotate = false to every MonoTouch.Dialog
> DialogViewController.
> I suppose I should ask questions like this on StackOverflow since it is
> easier for others to find the answer. Is there a rule of thumb folks use
> when to post to the mailing list vs. SO?

There are pros and cons for each. Other alternatives are Xamarin's bugzilla
and support.

In short, stackoverflow promotes *public* questions and answers, not
discussions. That makes it easy to see what's answered (or not), i.e. the
green checkmark. If that fits your question (i.e. targetted, not too
long) then it's an awesome tool to use (and learn from).

OTOH if you want to discuss, have varied feedback... about something then a
mailing-list is better suited. Since it's open-ended it's very hard to know
if all (initial, updated, subsequent) questions were answered. It's common,
e.g. when googling, to find interesting, often long, threads leading to no
definitive answer.

Support is a bit like stackoverflow - but it's (mostly) not public. That
limits the number of people that can help you (community) and future
googling of questions/answers - but you know for sure that Xamarin is aware
of the issue.

Bugzilla starts like stackoverflow (one bug instead of one question) then
let people discuss it until resolved. Also you always know if this fixed or
not (status). Unlike stackoverflow you can discuss things privately (if
needed) and you can add large attachements (not just a few lines of code in
your question).

Quite a few things starting in stackoverflow, mailing-lists or support cases
finally ends up in bugzilla.

Sebastien (poupou on stackoverflow)
MonoTouch mailing list

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