Hello Oivvio,

There's no official policy. IMO it's a lot easier to know what
question is answered (or not) and makes googling a lot easier when
stackoverflow can be used. OTOH the mailing-lists is the only place
where you can have a long-running discussion on a subject (IRC is good
for shorter discussion, Stackoverflow is not).

So if your question fits the stackoverflow model (i.e. it does not
require a discussion, not seeking advices / alternatives...) then I
suggest you to use it (and avoid cross-posting). Rest assured that
support, the different mailing-lists and stackoverflow are all
monitored by Xamarin's employees.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Oivvio Polite <myli...@polite.se> wrote:
> Is there a list policy on cross posting to the list and stack overflow?
> How big is the overlap in readership? If the same people hang out in
> both places cross posting is just wasting mental bandwidth.
> oivvio
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