Monotouch.Dialog IS a UITableViewController and hence also has a UITableView, 
so you should be apply to use this solution 1:1.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Guido Van Hoecke [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 4. Juni 2012 13:49
An: Craig Dunn
Cc:; René Ruppert; Miguel de Icaza
Betreff: Re: [MonoTouch] How to keep selected (element)row highlighted


Unfortunately, MWC does not use Monotouch.Dialog: it uses its own UITableView 
which gives a finer control over things.

My Master is a DialogViewController, which is also available on the iPhone with 
some minor conditional stuff, mostly to differentaite between the iPhone and 
iPad paradigm.

I can highlight the entry at NSIndexParth.FromRowSection(0,0) at initial 
loading time, but fail to keep the selection highlighted whenever an entry is 

Here's what I've got to handle this:

* in the Dialog Constructor:

if (AppDelegate.IsPad)
        Dvc.OnSelection += DvcOnOnSelection;

* and the DvcOnSelection method:

private void DvcOnOnSelection(NSIndexPath nsIndexPath) {

This method is called whenever a row is tapped, but it does not preserve nor 
force the selection color.

Any ideas to preserve the selected color in Monotouch.Dialog?
It would be a pity if I had to recode the existing iPhone controller as a lower 
level TableViewController on the Ipad...

Thanks in advance,


On 3 June 2012 23:58, Craig Dunn <> wrote:
> The MWC sample does that - both for the master list (landscape view) 
> and also the mini 'speaker list' for sessions that you can see in this 
> screenshot.
> OS/Sessions_iPad.PNG
> the relevant pieces of code are :
> * in the SpeakersTableViewSource.cs, we DON'T deselect, so the blue 
> highlight will remain
> if (AppDelegate.IsPhone) tableView.DeselectRow (indexPath, true);
> * in SessionView.cs we set the selection to a particular row when 
> loading
> if (AppDelegate.IsPad) {
> // set the highlight for whatever speaker is showing in the other 
> column (only iPad, obviously)
>    if (speakerTable.IndexPathForSelectedRow == null)
>       speakerTable.SelectRow (NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (0,0), true, 
> UITableViewScrollPosition.Top);
>    else
>       speakerTable.SelectRow (speakerTable.IndexPathForSelectedRow, 
> true, UITableViewScrollPosition.Top);
> craig
> On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 10:38 PM, Guido Van Hoecke <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working at a universal app where I use the wonderfull 
>> MTSplitViewController when ran on the iPad (Thank you René).
>> Both Master and Detail panes use DialogViewControllers (Thank you 
>> Miguel).
>> Selecting an element on the Master creates and pushes the 
>> corresponding DialogController onto the UINavigationController 
>> associated with the Detail pane.
>> This interaction works like a charm!
>> When I tap an element in the Master pane, the blue selection bar 
>> fades out, which is the normal expected behaviour. However, for a 
>> Master pane it would be desirable that this selection color would not 
>> diappear, leaving a clear trace of the selected option that 
>> corresponds to the current Detail pane content, as a kind of the 'Active 
>> menu choice'.
>> I dare hope that this can be easily achieved, but I've 
>> stackoverflowed and googled around without success.
>> Any ideas or suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Guido
>> --
>> You will be surprised by a loud noise.
>> ... and go2 places!
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