why are you using an adapter are you updating the data?, I would use a reader 
as they are much quicker and then if some of the data needs to be updated, 
native sql update statements to update e.g. update tbldata set field1=test 
where primarykey=1

or use the orm of sql-net which is quick enough for most things.

is your data joined in the adapter if so make sure that you have indexes on all 
the relevant fields as this will speed things up.


On 31 Dec 2012, at 04:28, sama446 <sudhiipre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a database with tables containing more than 1000 lines, when i write a
> query for sqlite database on MonoTouch. To read data into dataadapter and
> fill it into datatable. IOS throws an exception at the statement
> dataadaper.fill(datatable).(TIMED OUT). The query is a simple one to collect
> 4 columns with some simple where condition( where the ideal result would be
> 8 rows with 4 columns).
> I'm not sure whether it is being thrown because the query execution is
> taking longer or dataadapter.fill(datatable) is not fast enough. Please let
> me know if there is any faster way to query data from SQLITE database. 
> --
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> http://monotouch.2284126.n4.nabble.com/SQLITE-TIMED-OUT-tp4657910.html
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