
I just tried this with a sample app, and the following command worked for

/Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch -sdkroot
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer -launchsim
-sdk 6.0 --stderr=stderr --stdout=stdout

The only quirk was that the Console.WriteLine output was written to stderr
instead of stdout.


On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Xy <x...@pyriformgroup.com> wrote:

> Would really appreciate any help with this issue.
> Xy wrote
> > Thanks for the reply, but this is far more complicated than it seems like
> > it should be, and really does not help.  All we want to do is capture the
> > Application text output of the application, but running mtouch
> > --installsim does NOT appear to be outputting this data to the command
> > line, as it should.  In addition, adding the --stdout=output line does
> not
> > do anything, and --stderr=error does not do anything either.  This
> appears
> > to be a bug.  We should not have to set up a server in order to capture
> > simple printouts -- shouldn't they just be outputted to the console by
> > mtouch?  Can you please advise? Thanks!
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://monotouch.2284126.n4.nabble.com/mtouch-stdout-not-writing-to-file-how-to-capture-output-tp4657872p4657913.html
> Sent from the MonoTouch mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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