Why don't we just call it what everyone has always called it?



On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Luke-Jr wrote:

> Message 3 on *C& Group (#72879):
> Date:    Wed Mar  5 12:42:14 2003 PST
> From:    xplat (#120816)
> To:      *C& Group (#72879)
> Subject: names
> Single-object: Muh
> Object-oriented: MOO
> Aspect-oriented: MAO
> Subject-oriented: MEOW
> Profit-oriented: M#
> Disoriented: M%
> Hacked into a MUSH server: MusX ;-)
> Message 4 on *C& Group (#72879):
> Date:    Wed Mar  5 16:18:47 2003 PST
> From:    Luke-Jr (#115349)
> To:      xplat (#120816) and *C& Group (#72879)
> Subject: Re: names
> Was this a joke, or a real entry?
> If real:
> 1. What is "Subject Oriented"?
> 2. What names would multiple orientations be called (Aspect+Object etc)?
> 3. Profit-oriented and Disoriented wouldn't be real features, but would
> more likely be a library used in any of the languages.
> 4. "Hacked into a MUSH server" isn't valid, as these would be names for
> the languages, not the implementations.
> --------------------------
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