
I've got a class X. X has a metaclass M. I want M to make X do role Y.
That's it. I have been banging my head against a half dozen Moose
documentation pages but can't seem to puzzle out this seemingly simple

Which one of these things do I need to use? Moose::Exporter,
Moose::Util::MetaRole? (This seems to be about meta roles rather than
roles, but I don't _think_ I need to use a meta role to just make a
class consume a given role, or do I?)

I also found this thing: Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass which
sounds really nice but has zero documentation. I looked at the source
but, of course, I have no idea WTF is going on.

Here is one thing I tried, which doesn't seem to complain, but also
doesn't seem to apply the role. (In my test, the class does not cause
an exception even though it fails to implement a method required by
the role.)

package MyApp;

use Moose ();
use Moose::Exporter;

use MyApp::Meta::Class;

    with_meta  => [ 'handler' ],
    also       => 'Moose',

sub init_meta {
    my $class = shift;

    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( @_ , metaclass => 'MyApp::Meta::Class' );
    Moose::Meta::Role->initialize( 'MyApp::Role::App' )->apply( $meta );

    return $meta;





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