> 1) reuse 'builder', i.e. 'builder => 1' is special cased to be the same as
> 'builder => "_build_$attr"'
> Someone said "what about subs named '1'?" but I think we're probably all OK
> with ignoring anyone crazy enough to do that.

I made this suggestion, *years* ago (even providing a patch for it
iirc). Stevan rejected it because he was uncomfortable with the
attribute taking both "String", and "Bool". It was always his position
to have

    has($_, isa => "Str", is => "ro", predicate=>"has_$_") for qw/ foo bar baz/;

And the like. Again, I think this is a great idea, but it will never
happen. I could even see it going one step further and to make a
special token for this.

    use MooseX::Autoname qw(generate_by_name);

    has "foo" => (
       isa => "Str"
       , is => "rw"
       , predicate => generate_by_name
       , builder => generate_by_name

Or, something.

Evan Carroll - m...@evancarroll.com
System Lord of the Internets
web: http://www.evancarroll.com
ph: 281.901.0011

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