I hate to chime on this because I adore the Everetts,
but I couldn't agree more with JR.  A while ago I won
an Everett auction and paid $35.00 for a half-sheet to
be shipped.  It was packed barely okay, but they did
not insure it.  For $35.00 that's the least I could
have gotten.  I hope they got another service.

Most likely I will still bid on their auctions when I
can (they have amazing posters!), but with the buyer
premium and the really high shipping, it's tough.

--- J R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry -- I'm having a hard time buying the idea that
> a $40 shipping charge is your shipper's "fault" and
> there's nothing you can do about it. If that's his
> minimum, find another shipper or start doing it
> yourself -- you're losing a lot of business with
> this absurd $40 charge. I myself would never bid on
> any auction that had a stated shipping charge like
> this and I think a lot of people feel the same way.
> If you can't find another shipper to charge a
> reasonable rate, learn to do it yourself or hire
> someone local to you and train them how to do it
> part time or something. Everyone else manages to
> handle their shipping obligations for a lot less, so
> why not you?  Bruce often ships over 1,000 posters
> per week and charges $8 bucks. Other folks ship 3 a
> week, or 10 a week, and charge $5.50 to $10.00 --
> even from Australia to the U.S. -- no reason you
> cannot do something similar.
> Who forced you to live in Ohio and run an auction in
> California, anyway?
> Your business, of course, so it's your choice. But
> it clearly puts you at a competitive disadvantage.
> -- JR
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 20:37
>   Subject: [MOPO] Fom Morrie Everett re HP Auction
> Shipping Rates
>   Hi guys,
>   Well I had a feeling we would get flack about
> shipping charges. When you live in Ohio and run an
> auction in California, you have to hire someone or
> some company to do the shipping.
>   As you know, many (not all) auctions do the same.
>   The shipper has to make a profit, or else why
> would he do it? I have had to pay as much as $75
> shipping for only one item from New York City.  And
> I also hate it.
>   Our shipper (and we checked with others who were
> MORE expensive) said he would not ship any package
> for less than $40 to cover his time, materials,
> mailing costs, insurance, labor, gasoline, and
> storage.
>   So we are stuck.
>   This money does NOT stay with us.  It goes to the
> shipper.  So I am sympathetic. But my hands are
> tied. If anyone knows of a California - Hollywood or
> LA shipper who is less expensive, I will be glad to
> use them next year. Our shipper from last year
> refused to do it again because he said "it wasnt
> worth it for the time and aggravation!"
>   This shipper must be willing to hold 400-500
> posters up to three months and use the US Postal
> Service, UPS, and FEDEX.
>   See you in Atlantic City October 16th & 17th and
> NYC at the Pennsylvania Hotel on November 21.
>   Regards,
>   Morrie Everett Jr.
>   LMPC and Hollywood Poster Auction
>   "More than two thousand years ago, at a time when
> the people in the British Isles and in most parts of
> Western Europe were living the lives of savages,
> occupied in fighting, hunting, and fishing, dwelling
> in rude huts, clad in skins, ingnorant of everything
> that we call civilization, Rome was the centre of a
> world in many ways as civilized as ours is now..."
>             - Page 6, Ancient Rome, The Lives of
> Great Men, by Mary Agnes Hamilton, Oxford
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