Dear Scott,
Please don't take this too much to heart.  You have shown Eugene such kindness.  I don't know his situation, but one thing is blantantly clear.  He is a sadistic individual who victimizes others.  It is apparent in his taking the questions about valuable posters as being victimized then victimizing the victims (those who questioned him).  Unfortunately this is typical for this type of personality.
I hope people get their posters back and that he stays away from all of us.  I don't wish him bad at all.  Just away.

Susan Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Scott,
   I wouldn't take it personally. It would appear at this point that anything for shock value is fair game. It's like a child who gets a rise and accelerates the bad behavior for more attention. What a waste of enery.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:52 AM
Subject: [MOPO] A Sad, But Disturbing Situation...


I'm unbelievably disappointed...

I met Eugene Hughes once at Cinevent in Columbus and found him a friendly,
likeable guy.  I've reviewed his past posts to the group (he was a member of
MoPo for 4 years) and found nothing that would lead me to believe him
capable of such a disturbing display of cyber-anger that now appears on his
web site.

I posted yesterday that I hadn't heard from Eugene. When I checked my e-mail
at home last night I found a reply from Mr. Hughes. While it didn't offer
any explanations concerning his recent personal problems or an apology about
his nasty exit from MoPo in August, it was a non-threatening e-mail,
pointing out that he had been a productive member of MoPo for those 4 years.
After reading this e-mail, I considered approving his subscription request
thus restoring his posting privileges.

Then today I see that my name has been added to Hughes' "revised" toxic web
site, simply because I publicly stated I could understand Donnie's anger at
being attacked. Truth be told, I would offer the same statement of support
for any & all so attacked on a ranting web page.

Why Eugene would feel the need to do this is beyond me. This vile action on
his part is simply ridiculous and totally uncalled for. I have never had any
cross words with him and have never attacked him in any way, yet he has
determined that I am now the enemy for simply wanting to understand what the
hell is going on with him. I'm deeply saddened that he would treat me (and
all the others mentioned on his site) with such disrespect.

Needless to say, his bridges have been burned and I will not welcome him
back to MoPo.

I am absolutely shocked and disturbed by this whole ridiculous affair. We've
had problems on MoPo before, but nothing as bizarre as this incident.

What did I do to deserve this?

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