So well said!!!!!  I want to also thank Donald
Rumsfeld for showing that you don't have to be
competent to lead a war.

Thank you Mr. President for showing that you don't
have to balance anything that has to do with money.
That you don't have to listen to anybody because you
have "capital".

Thank you to the Pentagon for sending young men to war
unprotected and forcing them to show their ingenuity
by welding scrap metal onto their ill-made Hummers.

Thank you to the Hummer manufacturers showing that you
don't give a crap about the environment or space or

You've inspired me so much to pass along my lump of
coal to the next person.

--- "Robert D. Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With the Christmas season fast upon us (and the
> recent passing of Ramadan and Hanukkah), it's once
> again time to give thanks for what the past year has
> brought us:
> Thanks to the Rochester Connection for once again
> proving that no matter how evil you are, the
> authorities won't lift a finger to stop you.
> Thanks to Tom Martin for showing us that a paragraph
> need be no longer than two sentences - and, that you
> don't even need to reach the end of the second
> sentence to start a new paragraph.
> Thanks to eBay for their continual 'improvements'
> that are a Godsend for all of us users.  Thank you
> for fully testing all of them so that they don't
> ruin all our auctions.  And, also, a hearty thank
> you for policing fraudulent auctions (and fraudulent
> bidders) with the same determined intensity that you
> guard your bottom line (and VERO rights holders').
> Thanks to Bruce Hershenson for proving that it is
> not a contradiction in terms to state that you get
> both the highest prices in the business for your
> consignors as well as the greatest bargains for your
> bidders.
> Thanks to Kirby McDaniel for bringing the term
> 'advanced prices' into the common lexicon.
> Thanks to all the major auction houses for
> accurately describing every poster in their
> auctions.
> Thanks to David Lieberman for proving that long
> elusive posters such as the Caddyshack HS, ET HS,
> Animal House Ins., Shining HS and others actually
> exist - and not just in our imaginations.
> Thanks to Randy Petersen for single-handedly
> doubling the price of every rare modern poster
> classic...  Thanks a whole hell of a lot!...
> Thanks to myself for once again making it a whole
> year without opening my mouth and pissing off even a
> single other movie poster collector or dealer.
> Thanks to Dan Rickard for knowing EVERYTHING.  And,
> also a thanks for moving his site off of my server -
> now I don't have to look forward to a nuisance suit
> from the Rochester boys.
> Thanks to David Kusumoto for his re-emergence into
> poster commentary.  And, thank you for keeping all
> your posts short, concise and directly to the point.
> Thanks to Dario Casadei for running all his posts
> through a gramatical and spell checker before
> sending them on.
> Thanks to people like Ioan Baicu, Rick Toler, Jack
> Gold, Sam Sarowitz, Marty Davis, Todd Feiertag and
> others for using the forums as more than just a
> marketing tool, passing their vast knowledge down to
> the public at large.
> Thanks to Sue Heim for being the only framer who
> knows what they're talking about.
> Thanks to the UK dealers, who make me feel like a
> fool for pricing the same poster for 5% of what
> they're asking for it....  But, I guess, it also
> works the other way:  "Hey, my $50 eBay purchase is
> actually worth 500 Pounds!  Whoopee!!!"
> Thanks to JR for believing that he could actually
> compete with eBay.
> Thanks to Mrs.Miniver (and others) for starting
> their auctions at a reasonable price and not gouging
> their customers.
> Thanks to Eugene Hughes for his quick turn-around
> and pleasant demeanor.
> Thanks to every American dealer that realizes that
> no one outside the US deserves to buy their posters,
> and refuses to sell to them.
> Thanks to all the zero feedback Thai poster sellers
> who have such phenomenal posters to sell me.
> Thanks again to eBay for respecting their customers
> and not charging for every single little feature
> they provide on their auctions.
> Thanks to PayPal for being so user friendly - and
> for taking the side of every single zero feedback
> bidder over the seller with nothing but one thousand
> plus positives.
> Thanks to Movie Poster Talk for proving that every
> idiot on Earth absolutely LOVES the Star Wars
> series.
> And, as a side note, thanks to George Lucas for
> worrying more about his fans than his pocket book.
> And, while I'm side tracked, thanks to more than
> half the population of the United States for proving
> that your country is not just filled with xenophobic
> bible-bashers - proving yet again, that the general
> public is too stupid to be allowed to vote (and this
> is coming from a political conservative, mind you).
> And, thanks for proving that greed ALWAYS wins out
> over good and common sense.
> Thanks to Hollywood for giving us one
> thought-provoking movie after another, not just the
> usual marketable crap.
> Hollywood also deserves thanks for realizing that
> every classic film and television show was actually
> shoddily done in the first place - and for remaking
> (and vastly improving upon) them for us.
> And, thanks to the MPAA for allowing us to see any
> kind of amoral Hollywood crap, while restricting our
> viewing of anything that might make us think (or
> that shows life as it really is).  And, thanks for
> letting Hollywood get away with anything they want
> while gang-raping any important indie film that
> comes along - we really didn't want to see anything
> like that anyways...
> And, thanks to Jack Valenti for showing us that
> censorship really is better than free and open
> communication.
> Thanks to the television networks for censoring
> themselves.  It feels just like the fifties again -
> only much more puritanical.
> Thanks to Mel Gibson, for in the next couple of
> years, every second movie will be a Biblical Epic.
> Thanks to the Television Networks for realizing that
> Survivor was something special:  it was new, it was
> unique and it was different - and not just because
> it was a reality show.  And, thanks for not giving
> us clone after clone after clone after clone after
> clone after clone after clone after clone after
> clone after clone...
> And, additional thanks go out to the Networks for
> showing us that shows like Desperate Housewives and
> The Simple Life are actually sooooo much more
> fulfilling than crappy cable shows like The
> Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under and Curb Your
> Enthusiasm.
> Thanks to all the spammers out there for informing
> me of all the important services that I might have
> missed otherwise.  I now realize that my penis is
> WAY too small, and that a few small pills can help
> immensely - my girlfriend will be SO pleased.
> Thanks to CGC (and others) for proving that there
> are many 'Experts' out there that no one in the
> hobby has ever heard of before.
> Thanks to all the eBay sellers out there that will
> relist the same poster a hundred times without it
> ever selling - without lowering the price even once.
> Thanks to Christie's, Bonham's, Sotheby's, etc...
> for not padding their shipping fees.
> Thanks to the major dealer out there who licenses
> and reprints their own posters - and then calls them
> originals.
> Thanks to all you sellers still selling fake
> inserts.  Every new collector needs a rude awakening
> to the hobby...
> Thanks to Paris Hilton, Kelly Osbourne, and Jessica
> and Ashlee Simpson for proving that you don't need
> even an ounce of talent to become rich and famous.
> Thanks to Fox News for showing that the news and the
> truth don't necessarily have to be one and the same.
> And, finally, thanks to Michael Moore for showing
> people that the Left can mislead and spin the truth
> just as well as the Right can.
> And, to everyone I missed...  may Santa bring you
> that lump of coal you so rightfully deserve...
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