Hi David,
I couldn't agree more about Clint being a great
artist. He only gets better and continues to astonish
me.  My prayer is to work with him someday.

I do have to say that when I was in the theatre in my
teen years in NY, many people wanted to kill Frank
Rich.  For some reason, he didn't just slam with his
harsh criticism but managed to really slam people in a
personal way.  I remember attending the opening of a
Broadway show of a well-respected playwright.  The
show was great but afterwards at the party when the
reviews were read, Frank Rich's was particularly
scathing.  The playwright wanted to know who was close
enough to Mr. Rich so he could have him poisoned.

I was in a show that Mr. Rich destroyed, but he was
very kind to me in the review.  I have nothing
personal against him.  He's been great to me, but I
know the ire Mr. Rich draws.

--- David Kusumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Toochis:
> In fairness, the hatred between Frank Rich and Mel
> Gibson is mutual, and it
> started when Rich accused Gibson of anti-semitism
> and brought Mel's father
> into the discussion as a Holocaust-denier.  It
> escalated when Gibson made a
> death threat against Rich in an interview w/the New
> Yorker.
> But as far as Clint getting nominated for Best Actor
> -- I was also happy.
> Though everyone says Jamie Foxx is a "slam dunk" in
> this category, it's nice
> to see Clint get nominated because in "Million
> Dollar Baby," it's the first
> time I've seen Clint showing a decent amount of
> range.
> Clint reminds me of those great actors who always
> play themselves and
> audiences don't care.  John Wayne always played John
> Wayne, Woody Allen
> always plays Woody Allen and Cary Grant, the best
> example, always played
> Cary Grant.  Of the three, Cary Grant NEVER won an
> Oscar except a special
> statue long after he retired.
> Clint always plays Clint and we don't care.  But in
> "Baby," his acting had
> my wife in tears.  He's tremendous; and in any other
> year, he might be the
> favorite to win an acting Oscar.  But who knows?
> Clint already has 2
> statues for "Unforgiven" (and I like "Million Dollar
> Baby" a lot more), and
> John Wayne had to wait until 1970, 8 years before
> his death, when he won
> Best Actor for 1969's "True Grit."
> The huge difference is that Clint has proven himself
> a great artist, perhaps
> underrated, as an independent producer dating back
> to the early 1970s with
> his still running Malpaso company.  I love the guy
> even though he's going up
> against another maverick I adore, Martin Scorcese.
> The problem with
> Scorcese and Oscar is his material is rarely
> mainstream.  And if and when
> Scorcese wins, I want it to be because of merit, not
> sentiment.  It still
> pains me that Al Pacino got his Oscar, for example,
> for "Scent of a Woman,"
> and not for his Godfather pictures, Serpico or Dog
> Day Afternoon.  I can't
> even watch Pacino in that film, anymore than I can
> watch Dustin Hoffman in
> "Rain Man."  (Though Dustin was the best thing in
> "Meet the Fockers;" he'll
> always find work.)
> Anyway, more than anyone wanted to hear from me;
> sorry; it's been a while.
> -d.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Toochis Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Toochis Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Please stop giving away plot twists for
> newly released films!
> Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 01:33:55 -0800
> David, I couldn't agree with you more.  I was also
> offended when Frank Rich
> wrote that Passion of the Christ's nomination for
> make-up was for big noses.
>   How low does he have to go to get attention?
> Obviously very low.
> I loved Million Dollar Baby and just tell people to
> go see it.  Whatever one
> hears about it they cannot help but be moved by this
> impressive film.
> I'm glad Clint also got nominated for best actor.
> Toochis

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