Since you asked, I'll venture off-topic one more time to answer. And this is not an opinion based on "political belief", this is a factual answer to the question you asked which was "what could President Bush have done to satisfy all the folks clamoring for his head?" --:
1) The governor of Louisiana officially requested federal troops be sent in "as soon as possible" on Monday morning, the same day the storm hit and the levies broke. The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of this nation and he could have sent them in immediately, with plenty of heavy-lift helicopters and amphibious vehicles WITHIN A MATTER OF HOURS. Instead it took almost 4 days, and they are only just now arriving in any significant number. This is a clear dereliction of duty.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
From: Erik
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 15:38
Subject: Re: [MOPO] LIBERALS?

I'll chime in from the conservative viewpoint, with a question:
Overlooking the mishandling of LA's local goverment's (non)efforts, what could president Bush have done to satisfy all the folks clamoring for his head, how horribly he and his administration have handled this natural disaster.
Simple question that I'd be curious to see an answer to, and not a rant, please. Seems as those slamming Bush for what he's done never have a positive solution of their own just more negativity.
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