Hey guys.  I am flattered by all the attention you gave to my little
"business for sale" auction, but don't count me (or the hobby) out
just yet.  eBay had a 10 cent listing day, so for 10 cents (and five
minutes of my time) I was able to let the world know that I am open
to selling my business, solely if the new buyer would continue to
operate it as I have for 17 years (I can think of nothing sadder for
me personally than seeing "eMoviePoster.com" run like the way many
major auctions are run, with outrageous buyers premiums, fuzzy
condition descriptions, high shipping costs, and hidden fees for consignors).

As to whether the business is worth the price, how would any of you
know, since I did not state what was included in the sale?  To me, I
just posted a "for sale" sign on the biggest bulletin board in the
world, and I have received several phone calls from serious buyers
who want to know more.  And instead of paying a broker a percentage
of the sale to find buyers, I paid 10 cents!  Pretty stupid of me, huh?

I don't know there is any chance that anyone will agree to my terms
on how they will have to run the business, and if not, I will just
continue chugging along as I have for the past 17 years, a "little
engine that could", trying my best to compete with billion dollar
corporations, who sometime seem to put profits above all else.

It is funny. When I first started selling posters full-time in 1989,
a lot of people accused me of being a "hit-and-run" artist, who would
"milk" the hobby for a year or two and then "move on" to another
hobby.  Here it is 17 years later and just about all those critics
(and a whole lot of other "major" auctions and dealers) have
themselves "moved on", but somehow I am still doing pretty much the
same thing I did 17 years ago (except computerized and
super-charged).  So PLEASE don't count me out just yet!


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