Wooww! is the glue dry, brittle and dusty feeling?

Rather than going through the process of making paste from scratch, I
would like to suggest Archival Methyl Cellulose from Lineco. Its a great
product for mending and repair, you can whisker it together very
quickly, just follow the instructions and ad a little extra for more
body and tack.

Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:


a corner section that is maybe a square foot  or maybe a bit more..


At 02:25 PM 1/9/2006, you wrote:

Hi Rich,
How much lift are we talking here?


Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

Can one of you erudite linen backers tell me how to

A) make some wheat paste or whatever you use to mount a poster
B) how to apply to a poster that has partially come loose from it's
linen mounting, most likely due to poor handling or not enough paste
to begin with


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