Hello Nathalie!

   My most sincere apologies.  I never mean to be insulting and if I came 
across that way I am truly sorry.  Sometimes I read peoples comments in the 
wrong way and releate them to scenarios I have seen in the past.  I have known 
many collectors over the years that felt that they were entitled to certain 
posters and made comments to that effect.  But maybe it really isn't 
entitlement, (maybe a bad choice of words) maybe they were just venting their 
frustration at escalating prices - something that I have done myself, many 
times over the years.

I too am a collector and just like the paper- which takes me to JR's nice way 
of re-phrasing my earlier question.  In answer to him, I think he's right in 
that I would just like to get that long-sought-after poster at a price that's 
easy on my pocket. But even if I have to pay a lot for it (which goes back to 
my earlier comment about everyone's interpretation of what sum is within their 
means), I would still just like to have the poster.

Unfortunately, I do know other "collectors" who actively look for items that 
are extremely popular or expensive- and just for those reasons alone.  I know 
of one very prominent Universal horror collector who collects just for the 
sheer investment potential. If the market on Universal horror were to fall out 
tomorrow this guy would lose his mind.

I was having a conversation with another collector a couple of years ago who 
had beat me in an auction for a particularly rare poster- one that I had been 
looking for for quite some time.  After the sale, we were discussing the 
importance of the film in cinematic history and he informed me he had never 
seen the film. I was a little shocked at this and it bothered me that he would 
beat me out of it at an auction- and he didn't even have a true appreciation 
for the film.  And then I realized I have quite a few posters in my own 
collection for films that I've never seen (guilty!) .... But I do intend to see 
them someday!

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Steven Yafet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ron - I  never once suggested that I felt "entitled" to anything, your
> insinuation that I did is insulting.
> No, I don't feel entitled to buy paper for a song from estates when
> heirs don't know what they have.  Or to take someone's stuff.  That
> would be feeling entitled.
> In my case it is not entitlement nor am I looking for the most
> dangerous game.  I just like the paper.
> Nathalie
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