Title: Re: [MOPO] No Miramax stamp

If need be, I can also put you in touch with people at the new Weinstein Company (that was Miramax when PULP FICTION was released) who can verify that the PULP FICTION posters did not have stamps.

Sam Sarowitz
239 Centre Street
New York, NY  10013
212-226-2207/ Fax: 212-226-2102

Just wanted to add to this thread. I do the framing for a company that houses/stores the films and paper products for the studios, including Disney and Miramax. I actually looked at their Pulp Fiction one sheets about 5 years ago and there is no Miramax stamp on the back of the poster.
Sue Heim
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Brooks
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Lawsuit threatened

Hey Steve:
That's all it is, just a threat.  He will NEVER, ever follow through - or else he'll have every expert in the business lining up to testify about the 'product' he sells (and the loser is often responsible for court costs). 
If he ever is stupid enough to sue, just give me a shout, and I'll be happy to testify (or write a notarized letter) for you about my opinion of his business practices.
By the way, I didn't just call Miramax, I talked with someone who had access to the room in Miramax's office where they stored some of their posters - and, surprise, surprise, they never had a stamp (and none of the posters they had there had a stamp either).
There's also someone on the list here who worked at the printers (Consolidated or Continental, I always mix those two up) at the time the poster was printed - and he has confirmed (on Mopo, I believe) that the stamped Pulp Fictions WEREN'T from the run they printed...  Of course, Loce gets around this fact by claiming that the posters were printed by NSS.
And, here's another thing, if you say you 'believe' something - that's not the same as saying you 'know' something.  And, as long as you said it was your opinion, I doubt that you are liable (even if what you said was wrong, which I would doubt).  And, you also can't be sued for calling someone an 'asshole' or a 'douche bag' - both of which he is in spades.

PS.  Watch out, the new reprints of that poster have fixed the white specks (check Dan's site, I'm sure he has a list of other things to look for).
----- Original Message -----
From: dsonesheets
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Lawsuit threatened

Hello all,

I am hoping that someone can give me some advice.  I recently mentioned Thomas Loce and that I believed he is selling Pulp Fiction Lucky Strikes reprints, because he stands behind his claim that the "Miramax Stamp" is the proof of a guaranteed original, and even proposed that I call Miramax to prove it.  Personally I have read enough to know that this is not the case, so I posted on MOPO that both he and another seller on eBay, postergalleries, are knowingly selling reprints.  It is obvious in the case of postergalleries, as he outright refuses to send a detail picture of the area in Uma's cleavage, which on at least every reprint that I've bought (no less than six) have the tell-tale white flecks which are the result of a printing flaw in the reprints.

Anyway, Thomas has now threatened me with a libel lawsuit, and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on how to handle this.  I am simply trying to educate the community about known reprint resellers (not necessarily the ones who print them), as this is a part of the hobby that is nothing short of fraud, and since eBay does not know how to handle it (as some of these people are Power Sellers, and eBay won't take action against the hand that feeds it), I am addressing it in an open forum.

I am more than happy to retract my statements if he can prove that he is selling originals.


Best regards,

Steve Zammar
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