freeman,,,,,,   i got a few private emails, already, criticizing your post.  it is okay!!!!
and I hardly made 15 posts.  but, if it take 25 posts to get the message across, so be it. 
i coulnt bid with them this time, since i am an absentee bidder.  i was burnt by them, and they tried to get away with their scam description on the same poster, again.
screw me once, shame on you.  screw me twice, shame on me. 
honorable sellers that disclose actual conditions gain momentum in time:  these sellers continue with a strong repeat customer base. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 2:31:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bonham's Sale !!!

I wasn't criticizing your experience with Bonham's, or your frustration or the steps required for a refund.   Not one disparaging remark to that effect. 
 It was that out of the blue you brought up the insert once again.  And that had to be your 15th posting on the matter.    And to that I was having a malice free chuckle, a guffaw  ..........but immediately I then recognized  to all that your efforts were in fact taken seriously  and the auction was stopped and an announcement made, solely, and I have no doubt by your efforts.... and that should have been pleasing to you.
 But really the posting wasn't about you.  
freeman fisher
8601 west knoll drive #7
west hollywood, ca

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