I totally agree with what JR said and have a number of comments to add.   I must go to NYC early this morning and will not have time until later to complete my post.  However, sometimes you must strike while the iron is hot and there are two things I want to mention (food for thought).
1.  I think the poll of collectors to sellers is a good idea but I believe you will get most of the collectors and very few of the sellers (those who only post FS ads).  I don't think they even read the posts. I am pretty certain of this because some have been insulted pretty badly and never responded but just kept on posting.
2.  I would like to see suggestions of what peeves people besides what can be said to improve the system. 
I will begin with my suggestions and peeves:
I am annoyed by dumb one liners containing stupid attempts at jokes.  I like the current format and I have set up a separate email address (twonine5 @aol.com) solely for MoPo.  I have three addresses. One for my business, one is personal and the third is MoPo.  This way I can screen all the emails and delete the seller ads (except those I have blocked such as "you know who") and get through reading them as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately I cannot tell which emails are to my liking until I open them and many are a total waste of time.  I believe it is these even more than the infrequent arguments that bore people. 
I write and negotiate for a living and have found that when a reply is infuriating it can stimulate conversation and may even be interesting.  However, when a person infuriates another with a stupid insensitive one liner, without contributing one iota to the objectives of the forum,  this creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for others and wastes a huge amount of time for others who open the emails just to read the short email without redeeming value.
I have tried the other formats and find MoPo is best.  When you have to screen topics you generally only latch onto one or two and omit the others.  At MoPo you see all of the topics and I agree with JR here.  Must go to NYC now.  Will finish later.
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