Wow, Phillip.  I'm after the same DANTE'S INFERNO.  I just don't have the funds now so I'm out of the running.  Great luck with your search.


You are so correct.....I cannot miss it.....back to my place I love...Dallas...miss it...but love the way met Harrison Ford last Friday...tough....but I was able to talk to him....and he did like my accent.....lets go back...pieces that are so rare that make movie poster collectors faint and dizzy...I am still after my Dante's Inferno one sheet style A...(I am trying to pull a "Bruce" or now "Kirby"..: but for collectors in my message).....(need to do this more oftern....ha ha ha).....anyhow....this is life I guess....this will be the auction to be....I will book my flight tomorrow....I cannot wait to meet you Randy....maybe I can meet other MOPOs....
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