Well, Rod, sounds like you've got a handle on all of it. I'm sure all gun deaths will end with Chuck Heston's death. I mean, you're shouting the loudest so you must be right.

I just think so many humans spend all their time trying to 'win' and be 'right' at the
expense of being smart.  But that's just my opinion.

Anyone want to talk posters?

I'm looking to sell my original 1 Sheets from my '49 Absolutely MINT... BLUE LAGOON and the OH SO SEXY!
UNDERWATER with Jane Russell.

Email any interest. Otherwise they're up on Ebay on Sunday, wait...that's TODAY!

Sorry, just got in...

Hope all is great with everyone,


On Apr 26, 2008, at 8:55 PM, rodxmorgan wrote:

Neither the multi-national corporations, nor the mass-merchants of death need yet another well-
meaning liberal apologist to cut the baby in half.

Heston is no sacred cow. It is not blasphemy to call a spade a spade. He did not become a saint
upon death.

He represented the very worst in human nature---using his celebrity to further gun manufacturers' profits and increased gun insanity---in the name of democracy and liberty.

He was definitely not part of the solution---in a country that desperately needs a solution to
handgun genocide.

Zeitgeist: The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper
characteristic of any period of time.

In other words, the irrational belief in a myth. Guns are good; guns are ok; at worst: guns are a necessary evil. Heston is good; Heston is ok; at worst: he had a minor character flaw.

http://video.google.com/videoplay? docid=-594683847743189197&q=zeitgeist&ei=fksQSOW8HqPQ4gKptZifBA

Put your false gods behind you---and wake up to the reality of mass manipulation.

On Apr 26, 2008, at 6:26 PM, rodxmorgan wrote:

who had choice, negative words about charlton heston only hours
after the actor passed away??

Maybe if his handguns had killed and injured a million people/year,
instead of just 100,000---you
might also have the good sense to disparage his reputation.

Remember...there were more pictures taken of Adolph Hitler kissing
babies, than gassing Jews.

"Springtime for Heston and NRA..."

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