Thought some of you might be interested in this story from Studio Briefing.


Cinerama In Your Living Room

Warner Bros. plans to make home theaters look much like theaters did a
half century ago with the release of the classic How the West Was Won,
starring John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda, on Blu-ray disc in
August.  The high-definition video will offer a "SmileBox" version --
essentially making the screen look as if it were curved like an old Cinerama
screen.  Only a handful of features were made in the Cinerama process,
which featured a screen so large that it wrapped around the audience's
field of vision, producing a 3D effect.  The screen was so large that it took
three projectors to fill it -- one projecting onto the left third of the screen,
another the middle, and another the right.  Likewise, the movies were shot
with a special camera that shot the three images simultaneously.  While
nature documentaries and thrill-ride experiences were initially released in
the Cinerama process, 1962's How the West was Won was the first
feature film to be filmed and projected in the process.  Warner Home
Video's Blu-ray release will also include the documentary Cinerama

Craig Miller        Wolfmill Entertainment          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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