Good morning all!
Over the past seven years, I have never stopped collecting onesheets for the
Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I've also been lucky enough to get a hold of
some very nice copies.  Therefore I believe it's now time to give some of
them back to the community.

I have two complete sets of all four, double-sided onesheets for Lord of the
Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.  They are all in unbelievably pristine
condition, as I collect and sell only the best when it comes to these films,
as they are three of my favorites.

As far as the style A and B's go (Frodo holding the ring, and looking down
in the style A, looking straight out at you in the B), there were only 500
(style A) and 3000 (style B) each of the double-sided styles printed.  I
know there are a few dealers out there that will corroborate this with me.
 Needless to say, these are very rare (a term I don't use often, it's way
overused), and even harder to find in C9/C10 condition, which are what these
are.  I don't grade that high often either, usually owing to some minor
compression marks or the slightest bit of edge wear.   As the saying goes "A
lot of time can go by without a set of these coming up for sale."  In fact,
I can't remember full sets of all four styles ever coming up for sale
besides my own.

The styles are:

Style A (advance/teaser, no credits) - Frodo looking down at the ring;
tagline "Power can be held in the smallest of things."
Style B (advance/teaser, no credits) - Frodo looking out at you, holding the
ring; tagline "One ring to rule them all."
Style C (advance w/ full credits and "December 19" date) - The Fellowship
riding down the river, passing the Argonath.
Style D (advance/final w/ full credits and "December 19" date) - Montage of
all nine of the Fellowship, Galadriel, Arwen, and The Nine ringwraiths.

I will also be including free a copy of the single-sided gloss onesheet of
Gandalf and Frodo in the Mines of Moria that New Line printed up solely for
sale through their website.  They are in the strictest sense of the word
NON-theatrical, but are still very nice looking posters, and as a
completist, in my opinion very much part of a complete set.

They are all truly beautiful.  I can send ultra high-res pics on request, up
to approx. 3Mb each.  If you want the highest res, please let me know if
your mailbox can handle the size, or if I need to break them down into
multiple emails.  I can also easily scale down to 640 or 800 for you, and do
details if necessary.

I have only two sets available, and I expect they will go rather quickly.
 Over the years, I have seen a few here and there in addition to the ones I
have acquired, and some have been in truly bad shape.  Although it's
undeniably regrettable, the fact remains that there just are not 500 great
looking copies on the market or in private collections anymore.  The film
was released in 2001, and I have been actively engaged in finding the
teasers ever since they started appearing on eBay. I can tell you that even
back then they were hard to get, and I paid through the roof when the
information about the print runs started circulating, which was only a few
weeks after they came on the market, and just a couple months before the

The last two sets I sold were more about five years ago, and sold within
three days of listing them.  Don't miss out again!  Serious inquiries only
please.  Posters will be shipped in nearly indestructable 2" PVC tubing, and
will be sent trackable and insured.  Tracking and insurance are required.

I look forward to hearing from you, even if it's just to discuss the films!
:)  Or maybe your thoughts on two films being made from The Hobbit.  At
least they've got Guillermo helming it, so it's gonna be interesting!  Have
a great day, God Bless!

Best regards,

Steve Zammar
Owner, ds|onesheets

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