a few days ago, i noticed that ebay change the way to SEARCH.? i used to be 
able to limit?my search to ORIGINAL POSETERS, and hit SEARCH TITLE and 

I USED TO PLUG IN? hitchcock or bette davis or cary grant, etc.

well..............with some new improvement they made.....i cant search so 


another ebay pet peeve...........?? ok, they block the bidder's names.? but 
shouldnt the winning bidder be able to scrutrinize the names of bidders?


and paypal has changed their screens.............so it is even MORE?trecherous 
to by-pass the defaults to (not)?use a credit card.? boy,,,,,they'll do 
anything noi matter how unethical to get that immediate cash from you bank.?? 
one new screen has the wordings in reverse order!!!!? but i wont say this was 
purposefully designed to confuse.? right!!!


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