problem is... the truth most and can not be sold it must be given away free... so thats why all these so -called people sell there stuff.. its a gimmick and not real.... matter of fact my friend i was in a band with worked as head engineer for the Midwest stress center,, they sold millions of stress relief tapes..
and more.... he said that the founders husband shot himself in Malibu..
I aggree many of these posts are not movie poster related in one aspect ,,, however just as RBAY is a part.. so is living with collectables.. is from a therutic level and from many levels

The more I see is that we are all connected by one giant sphere of thought. And as you see the Movies are a relection of our dreams and lifstyles. and escapism.. thats why we eat Ice cream when we are happy and Ice cream when we are looking for comfort..
by the way we are making a Robot that we will offer on ebay.
it will be life size and do cool stuff.
Its our homage to Movie Robots.. or Row-butts

good evening

and good wishes

I bid you  adue

T martin

Robot blacksmith

Roger Kim wrote:

That was a great post, Tom, even if it had nothing to do with posters or movies.

I propose that we enter into a business agreement whereby you feed me your rough ideas, and I'll flesh them out into book form and perform a spellcheck. We will be listed as co-authors on the book and all subsequent books, seminars, videos, etc. I'll let you do most of the speaking engagements, since I usually have to stay home and take care of the feral dogs.

We'll sell more copies than The Secret and become rich, and you can hoard Universal horror paper in your basement, despite your public stance that it is pointless to accumulate gobs of stuff.

Please get in touch with my lawyers ASAP.


On Jun 22, 2008, at 8:19 AM, Tom Martin wrote:

OK hold on to your seats... this will make you sweat......

Ive been listening to the mopo posts on ebay, and seeing gas go nuts, food prices escalate and see

the political arena getting so convoluted that Im waiting for Donald Duck to show up as a candidate.

I don't watch much media and I skim the newspaper, some Cnn, and mostly history or discovery channel

So last night as I was going to get some food I hit the AM button on my Radio in car by accident ( ?)

and here's this ART BELL show Guy... Now this guy talks about the paranormal, Saucers, yeti and all kinds

supernatural.. Well this show was about the " Shift" a predicted world change of lifestyle , economy, attitude and spirituality..

And what's weird is in coincides with the Mayan calendar ending in 2012-2013... Now hers the goosebump part.....

It seems to align with all world culture and religions.... and its about this Global conscience of peace.

There was so much info spewing out I could listen well as I tried to get home and use a home radio.

then my small radio kept fading in and out... and then I fell asleep listening..

However it said these children all over had a 4th dimension understanding that was in them... and they

would help mankind... and what was weird is the other day it popped into me to e-mail Mopo " the meek shall inherit the earth" and that what this Shift is all about..

I had no previous knowledge of any of this.. heck Im almost a illiterate and can barely spell.... yet

my perceptions and ability to comprehend Global feelings and then when I see either historic elements

on these shows it makes me think I must be tapped into something very special... I have had this

#13 keep popping out as a sort of wink from the cosmos since 1993.. at first I was spooked as 13 was

a unlucky number in my bringing up... then... it became a symbol to me of Hope and a future.. based on

something I couldn't explain...all I could gather was that 12 disciples and Christ = 13 ... But then all this stuff associated has arisen since like the fatima appearance was on the 13th of the month....

The jewish time for a Boy Bar-mitsvah = 13 it goes one and on and transcend all cultures/// so when

I heard that the Mayans said that et world will CHANGE by 2012-13 I about fell over.......

I am sure that there are you out there far more learned that can research if Im a false or making this up....

Fact is what little I know.. is a internal Gut feeling and its like I saw all this coming starting in 1990

I saw the economy doing this as people kept refinancing and I wondered what would happen when they couldn't pay that... then this whole gorging on stuff.. there's only so much room to store treasures on earth... that's when I saw the Biblical and universal principals make sense.. And again if you look they all support Harmony , trust and the biggest common denominator is Love... brotherly love..

I have spoken to Young people in there 20s -30s and they get it... and they want change and support it.

so I think the " shift ' will happen because the old ways in commerce and all are changing...

from a global standpoint we have peaked in our communications.. we can be on net and are globally connected to the entire world in seconds.

The little person at a keyboard can have the ability to network with millions and cause change...

Its exciting and will be the Final solution as I see it... the energy that is released when we do positive stuff vs evil or negative is greater and liberates many....

so...when I think about this,, its been predicated in all religions and even secular scholars see all the

sign... global warming, wars, the change in patterns.. and the collapse of Commerce as we knew it like ebay, fuel, and homes..

The finical markets are as comical as a cheap carnival sideshow because most retailers have opted to

sell shoddy goods.. and utilize labor from china that just doesn't make sense on a global level...

the good news is through these 4 Th. Dimension beings the world will be corrected not by tanks

or military might.... but by a synergy created by a state of conscience that I think will be bolstered

at 1st by the digital media and yoking of the internet... what would have been incomprehensible

100 years ago is doable in the twinkling of a eye now..... its just awesome to me... and from a logistical

aspect shows the power of the God of the cosmos to be able to think this up... also they mentioned on the show circles and spheres,, which I have been seeing and thinking they are the mathematical explanation to almost everything... Circle of Life .. etc.. the Buckyball.. what EPCOT center is based on... etc...

the world has kept collapsing historically due to Human greed... the world will be renewed do to Human

pretty simple concept.. ...if you ask me.

Love = world peace amd harmony

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