Ebay is not dead at all.  There are many posters available  daily.  It is the 
hobby that has become saturated with what is available  and what collectors 
have achieved for their collections.
In the last 10 years ebay has delivered a huge amount of material  for 
collectors and has shown collectors what posters are rare and which posters  
are not 
rare.  Pre-ebay, this information was not available and we had to  rely on 
the John Kisch Poster Price Almanac and MCW.  
There are at least 20,000 collectors today compared to around 6000  
subscribers to MCW.  This means ebay created three times the collectors of  the 
in this hobby.  Not all collect the same posters.  Let's  take "Crime Doctor".  
There probably are no more than 20 people who really,  really want this 
poster.  There probably are at least 100 out there.   This means that 80 will 
sell for much money.  On the other hand, there  are maybe 20 "Attack of the 50 
Ft. Woman" and there are at least 100 who want  the poster.  This means there 
will be bidding for it for quite some time.  (Do not take my numbers as gospel 
as I made them up for this  example.)
There are only so many posters out there today that command  extensive 
bidding due to the demand outstripping the supply. 
I assure you-------------Place rare posters on ebay and they will  command 
high prices.  Place posters on that are in huge supply and you will  not get 
much for them.  This is the reality of the market and it will  continue in this 
direction because just about everyone is on the internet today  and has learned 
how to use the information.  This is why flea markets and  garage sales are 
also dead for rare material.  
Claude L

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