i found this interview online:

Debbie Rowe's interview to journalist Rebecca White in Britain's News of the World paints a picture of a lonely woman who felt her "friendship" with Jackson was reason enough to gift him with her eggs and womb services so that along with an anonymous sperm donor, he could have the children his first wife, Lisa Marie Presley, refused to give him.

In the piece, Rowe describes her fertility treatment, in which she was impregnated with sperm, not Jackson's, as akin to the impregnation of her own horses. She even likens herself to a thoroughbred horse who is clinically impregnated for breeding.

The interview was conducted at Rowe's home where she purportedly has 30 horses and 11 dogs. Jackson's now defunct Neverland Ranch with it's peacocks and petting zoo in it's heyday come to mind. Maybe Rowe and Jackson were well matched in some ways. White describes Rowe as living like a recluse surrounded mostly by her pets.

Sham marriage

Rowe states in the piece that Jackson rushed their marriage in 1996 while she was pregnant, but there was never any sex between them. Ever. She says that the two of them never even lived as a couple without sex.

"He never wanted to live with me. That's why he bought me a house. There was always 'my house' and 'his house', never 'our house'.

"We would jump in bed together and read magazines and watch movies, with all the animals around us before the kids were involved. We used to hang out with each other.

"But that was his life. That's Michael. That was what it was like."

Rowe not a good mother

"I was never a good mother, I never felt any attachment to them [the children]. It was a better feeling giving them to him than it was keeping them as my own," she is quoted as saying.

"I know I will never see them again. I was never cut out to be a mother - I was no good. I don't want these children in my life. My children are my animals now."

$8 million in exchange for kids

The article states that since Rowe was already given a home in Beverly Hills, it was as if she accepted a pay-off worth £4.2million over nine years, in return for giving up all custodial rights. When converting pounds to dollars, that price comes to approximately over $8 million.

Those kids are not his biological children... if that is indeed the case (and im sure most thought it to be so anyhow), then these kids are similar to adopted children. Could the plot thicken?

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