trying to read this raised my BP by 20 points -- talk about a way to RAISE a stress level... deciphering the ramblings and meanderings of one who is a squirrel obsessed, believes he was michael jackson costume designer and, at the same time, is in a drug and alcohol induced euphoria!

too many nuts or glasses of the Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, methinks.

please make it stop!!

as god is my witness, i will never be hungry again!


On Jul 2, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

Hers my recent way to deal with health and stress issues.... I hope this helps Mopoers,, as I have much experiance with loss and stress and all.. Plus ive made some really stupid decisions along my life path...
so heres my Drug...  call it body- mind - spirit approach

1.) first I realize I have so little control of events anywhere and yet if you try to be positive you may effect people and things you never are even aware of.. ( In good and also negative ways also)

2.) So even tho you cant change the past you can change the future so I attempt to correct what I did wrong.. Its interesting to do this.... in Business... and in Life.... I call it practice.. so each event becomes a way to improve. each order becomes practice to see how to improve... doing this makes the job less stress and hopefully apparent in the work. This used to be called " work ethic" and when USA stopped having a good attitude toward jobs they lost the edge.

3.) Ok health wize... I find Humor to be the most cathartic... because ive found all people want basically the same things no matter at what social level or place in life... they want to be appreciated, Loved, and feel they made a differance to someone or something.. and they like the basics like -shelter and food and they have some interests like sports or entertainment or nature.... etc... Laughing at myself is Fun.. because I feel like taking myself serious is funny in itself.. Laughing takes away the fear... people that are critical of others become thier own victims because they live by that criteria .. so they cannot handle failure... I embrace it as a learning process.. How we learn is by practice on about anything...plus if you like what you do,, its not practice its Fun.. If you dont like Your job and spend 75% of time being unhappy.. then build your life around what you love ,quit the job.. and restructure.. because if you save 1 million or more and wait till your 75 to retire to spend it you may not have health to enjoy it.... I live day to day because how can I plan?? Did Jackson ?
so Today i will give thanks for one more day.
The hardest for me is that sometimes it seems all the bad stuff happens the harder I try... so recently I thought... these ar challenges to reach me more... not destroy me... because you really get to know yourself when under duress or the shit hits the fan.... so I have learned alot by adverse situations.. as soon as I feel like im together something real stupid will happen and make me see that I can be thrown off easy so.. Im not really that together... so it wakes me up and keeps me humbled.. and thats a Good thing if yiou think.

4.) I discovered that eating is a part of the forumula as good diet can help the whole process. So I try to eat vegatarian mostly.. some seafood and It helps to reduce stress to do daily walks... matter of fact Good morning america sais that walking is one of the best ways to get fit.. as its low stress on the knees and all the bones.. Plus excercize makes natural endorphins because all the system gets going... also it gets blood flow and oxygen to the brain and all.. some wine or beer once in awhile in moderation isnt bad... and I love juices and nuts and fruits.. all this stuff energizes and cleans the system I ride a Bicycle and I will start a weight train as I just got some 1955 vintage barbells.

5.) Vitamins and nutrition - I think vitamins are great as also herbs.. Ginko Biloba-C- all the B - Zinc- Naicin Garlic - all have the ability to clean the body and boost immune and give the Body the ability to handle stress.

6.) Then I like diversions like garage sales, and art events , hearing music, televison, movies and seeing Nature.. and just driving around looking at stuff and discovering new things.... Looking at Movie posters is fun also.:)

7.) as far as dealing with loss of money and stuff and relationships... which to me seems the core of peoples woes.. I just do this... I admit im sad or stressed... and sometimes lay in bed froze with fear.. and lose all hope...

so basically I confront my real feelings and admit Im scared shitless... Then I get up and try to get balance useing the Body - mind - spirit approach.. and do what I call " Plant seeds" seeds of hope, and of ideas and visons,, some grow,, some wither.. but you are 100% garenteed of no progress if you just sit there and cry.

Then I say wow Thanks God that I was able to even see and experiance what I have as so many people have got less and so thanks... and well tommorrow Ill try again and perhaps if I cannot get better maybe ill help someone else get better and that will be good. As far as whos God.. I say hey who ever you are Im not that bright... so please guide me as all this religious stuff is confusing ( heck I cant even spell) so guide me to do something that will help he others,..

Then I think of people I hurt and said bad stuff that knocked down thier spirit and wish they have peace and love and find happiness even people that hurt me as we all seem connected by a Universal spirit.

so after a day of this.. the hurts melt away and I get a peace to be able to look forward to next day. also the awareness that part of life is daily challenges like dealing with adversity and sadness that may be from the universal family.. Like Michael Jackson who was symbolic to many people...

I also look at past people that inspire like in my case entertainers...and listen to thier Life storys of how they overcame tradgedy, suffering, rejection, and how they also handle success..... because success can be a double edged sword... In the final anyalisis.. we are all a step away from failure and a step away from success..

The other day I bought a friend a inspirational clock.. Its said " If you come to the end of your path,do not turn
back continue on and make your own trail "

well thats how I have been coping.... I personally believe the Drugs they are using to medicate stress and sleep disorders are a sham/// If people were taught to get balance by natural stuff they would find peace

Yes I aggree im not the norm, as our economic system was based on making people think that acrcrewing stuff was a measure of success and accomplishment... and thats why peole Like madeoff litterally madeoff with some very succesfull folks entire Life savings.. when we all see that if we take care of each other and the planet and that we are all dependent on each other
bigtime, then we will get peace.

I toast a Glass of water to you all

Happy 4th everyone/

jbirddouglass wrote:

Whatever drug Tom's taking...make mine a double.
Greg Douglass
Roger Kim wrote:

Most people see the world through rose colored glasses.

Tom Martin sees the world through tomato colored glasses.


On Jul 1, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

well I think the armor we made back in 83 was used by Jackson and is on display in the Grammy museum

I was watchin CNN  and they showed it....

We made Legg gauntlets ( scaled leg armor ) and the ones they had looked like ours however modified

The story behind the armor - I was at a auction and bought a semi load of white Footbal shoulder pad parts,,

I called Lucasfilm to sell it to be used as Stormtrooper armor... they had just shelved the Star wars franchise.

So I called Doud white makeup effects... he bought some for a gilm called metalsorm... Peter mosen of starlog

Bought some to make a ceylon centurion and also a Rock group called THOR.... also Clyde Calwell a artist

of Dungeon and dragons fame used it for packageing..\

Basically we took the pieces and plated them in Chrome... sold through Morris costumes in Charlotte NC.

We also made some spiked leather and accessorys and advertised in back of Starlog.... sold as

Warrior fantasy Armor..... actually used a local Female impersonator in the photos because he was the only

one that would dress that wild in 1983.... Funny eh?? Now is the norm.. go figure,,,,

So it appears Michael Jackson did use our armor.... or at least parts.. we also had contacted WB about making Mad max jackets as we had the exact parts.... However they wanted 50K upfront//// so we never did them The idea was to have Miller and Gibson sign them and do a collectable piece.

Ohhhh.... when I bid on the shoulder pad parts... the auctioner thought I was a nut as no one wanted the Lot... so when I offered 2.00 for a 48 foot truck full... he pointed and said SOLD!!!

It cost several 100 to move
Our  1st order we sold 12,000.00     not bad ROI eh?
We sold it until like 86 when i thought my son would wonder what the heck his parents did . well when he was older he said what?? you gave it away.. and cried... and said " I couldd have made Robocop costume of that !!

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