Maybe something to do with the number of professional sellers and experienced 
collectors who sell that have left has simply weighted the ratio lower to the 
lowest common denominator? And that can be very low indeed.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bruce Hershenson 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:27 AM
  Subject: [MOPO] Is there a rash of over-grading among eBay sellers, or am I 
just running incredibly unlucky?

  From around 4 years ago to around 8 years ago I bought a HUGE amount of items 
on eBay. If I saw a pressbook I didn't have (not that often), or any funky 
poster where I thought I could re-auction it in my own auctions and make a few 
pennies, I bid on it, figuring that many of those I bought from might go on to 
bid in MY eBay auctions, so that it might be good for business in more than one 

  But over time, I saw that there were LOTS of eBay sellers who over-graded 
their items, and lots more who packaged terribly. So around 4 years ago I quit 
buying on eBay.

  Around 6 months ago I decided to give eBay a try again, to see if things had 
improved during my multi-year absense as a buyer.

  Well I have bought 100 or more items the past 6 months, and while most 
sellers (but far from all) seemed to have figured out how to pack a poster so 
it doesn't get damaged, there seem to be a lot of sellers who think it is fine 
to over-grade items, and to miss important defects.

  I have received posters with many pinholes scattered throughout, or paper 
loss in the image, or with writing on the back that bleeds through to the 
front, and they have been described as "very good to fine" or "overall quite 
nice" or "generally excellent".

  I wish I could say that this was only true of "little sellers", but this has 
proven to be just as true of some of the foremost eBay sellers (I won't name 
any names, because I am not looking to embarrass them).

  I would say that I have been disappointed by around one-third of my 
purchases. Today I opened four purchases, and one (with four one-sheets) was 
ridiculously over-graded, and another (with a pressbook) had major condition 
issues. The other two were fine. Should I expect to have a 33% to 50% 
satisfaction rate?

   I am asking those of you who still buy on eBay if you have had similar 
experiences, or if you think I have just been very unlucky. Feel free to reply 
to me "off list".

  I think I am going to quit buying on eBay again. It just doesn't seem to be 
worth the aggravation.

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