
This is an interesting idea, and I think the major full-time poster sellers here on MOPO should start emailing each other privately to see if they can get some kind of self-defense coop going. I'm sure there must be some lawyers on MOPO who could possibly offering letter-writing services at a discount as a service to the hobby.

However, someone (possibly David, since he's in a active dispute resolution mode with his Ebay rep) could find out what happens if the person who filed the complaint retracts it? Is the a provision for this? If so, does retraction mean the original seller is free to list the item again without some Ebay automatic robot monitor still flagging the re-list as a "violation"?

My guess is that once Ebay has flagged the item that no matter how it is resolved that you would still run the chance of being, um, violated.

Still, even forgetting about this one issue, it wouldn't be a bad idea for the sellers to have a group organization to deal with other issues. Perhaps the LAMP-certification structure/membership fostered by Ed at could serve as a starting point?

-- JR

Cory Glaberson wrote:
Its exactly right to say the eBay doesn't want to get into the middle of any sort of dispute so it sets up a program that simply passes on the dispute. And of course they charge the VERO (Verified Rights) people to do this, so its good income stream for them to have this program. What I think would work is for one of us who has been so affected to send a letter to Mara Corday's handlers from one our Lawyers pointing out the relevant law and darkly threatening some sort of "action" if she doesn't stop abusing her rights. That is one way EBay shifts the costs of doing business back on us. What I object to is eBay threatening us with violations that drop our listing presence and potentially kick us off eBay. I bet that has not ever happened since that action would force a lawsuit from me. eBay is just trying to push us to sue the Corday estate. Without this penalty from EBay most of us would just shrug when they remove a listing. But hurting our standing with EBay is another story. Lawsuits are expensive. Minimum cost to initiate a minor case like this is $25,000. Even defending yourself from a lawsuit can cost that much. So the stakes have to be pretty high to really get into it legally. That's why you don't see a lot of stars doing this, they talk with their lawyers and they realize it can become an ungodly mess and there is no up side - you won't make any money and it costs too much to start suing a lot of people. All you do will hurt your reputation (which is all some of these people have). So the real question is: *Can the sellers on MOPO get together and form some sort of group that will help defend the selling industry against this sort of nonsense?* The cost of a series of letters by a lawyer is about $200 to $500 (I checked this out with my lawyer). I have had my own listings removed. I have standing in this dispute. I'd be happy to pay for half the cost of such a letter if the other sellers would be willing to contribute the other half. Remember a letter like this is just an opening gun. It doesn't mean a law suit. All it will do is hopefully force the other party to come to their senses and go to their lawyer and learn what their actual rights are.

Maybe we can call the group the Mara Corday Appreciation Society (MCAS) just for grins.

Cory Glaberson

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