Right... and John Lennon "officially" said Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was not written about LSD either, but about a picture Paul's kid drew.

These were the kinds of official denial statements that were issued after there was a social backlash against pop music and movie stars "popularizing drug use" in their songs and films -- the record companies and studios got proactive about protecting themselves for legal actions or calls for censorship by making their stars deny that any of this stuff ever had anything to do with drugs. "No sir, Mr. Media Interviewer, we din' mean nuthin' like that by it at all, honest injun..."

However, anyone who grew up during the time listening to either song could easily get what both were written about.

-- JR

Bruce Hershenson wrote:
P.S. At the shows Peter said Puff the Magic Dragon was in no way written with drugs in mind!

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Bruce Hershenson <brucehershen...@gmail.com <mailto:brucehershen...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    What was funny was that she was apparently VERY sensitive about
    not being able to sing any more, and the first show I saw she kept
    screaming at the "sound guys" saying they needed to adjust the
    equipment because they were "making her sound awful"!

    I thought it funny that they weren't making Peter or Paul sound
    bad in the slightest.

    When I saw them again two years later, she had the same exact
    rant, practically word for word (I imagine she did it every show).

    But everything Sue says was exactly true, especially for those of
    us of a certain age, and with "leftie" parents.


    On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Susan Heim
    <filmfantast...@msn.com <mailto:filmfantast...@msn.com>> wrote:

        I heard the news come across last evening and it brought a
        lump to my throat. For many of us that are in the 50-60
        range, Peter, Paul and Mary were our childhood. They were on
        the radio, we sang their songs in school and our parents
        "liked" their music. I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl a couple
        of times and it was like stepping back to the 60's. You're
        right Bruce. Last time I saw them her voice was gone, but I
        just loved being in the place with all the people around me
        singing along with them. I still put one of their records on
        now and again just to step back. It's like comfort food.

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