
It's kind of weird. I think you and I agree on far more than we disagree, and yet we always seem to be correcting each other. Anyway, it is important to note that Jamie Mendez has officially denied in a court statement all charges that he had anything to do with the fakes. Now, in this country we are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Since Jamie is well known for doing excellent restoration work, there is no reason he should be punished and his business income cut-off simply because someone has accused him of involvement. That charge has not yet be proved. So it is perfectly acceptable for Heritage to continue their working relationship with him.

We need to find out the facts, and truly guilty parties need to be held accountable, but we do not need a witch hunt. Kerry is known to have actually transfered fakes to people and solicited them to purchase or trade for them. But Jamie is not *known* to have done anything wrong at this point.

I haven't read Bruce's club message yet (they are always so densely packed that they make my head hurt), but I hope he would have more sense than to condemn Jamie being allowed to continue to work at this point. That would be way premature and simply not right.


Sean Linkenback wrote:
For those who haven't read it - Bruce's new weekly club message has an excellent summary about the fake Dracula poster currently being auctioned by Profiles, as well as confirming the disturbing news that Heritage continues to give work to Jaime Mendez even after knowing of his involvement in the current Universal Horror fakes scandal. This week a big "shame on you" goes out to both Profiles and Heritage. Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at


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