studio c though this issue is particularly none of my business
since i do not collect universal horror; i cannot help but comment on your
whiney and begrudging complaints regarding someone whom i consider to be a
dear friend of mine and whom might i mention has treated me with the utmost
respect since i entered into the hobby years ago.

            if by “arrogance” you mean one following their own knowledge,
judgments, instincts and protocols then making an honest mistake along the
way, then i’m personally guilty 100 times more over than john davis ever
will be.  i’ve read over everything you’ve written and the underlying take
home message i’ve received was that at the time you wrote to him you
expected john to immediately call joe and get him to pull the auction
listing. studio c you wanted it pulled so quickly that you didn’t even want
to give john the courtesy of putting in any more of his own investigative
work.  sure now looking in hindsight that it was indeed a repro you were
right, but can you say for sure that if someone called, you would have done
it differently?  no way… and as far as i’m concerned you can’t walk in those
shoes until you’ve been given them.

            for god’s sakes the man wrote an apology and you still can’t get
over it?  then you talk about him having an “ego”? if someone were to look
at your writings and now this b.s. spiel do you know what they would think?
that you have the “ego” and want recognition for being the first one to spot
the fake.  stake a claim in your fortune. you even admit it in your own
writing “if he had just wanted to listen to what *i* had to say, this whole
thing would not have gotten so out of hand.”  was your involvement in this
issue about you gaining recognition or the fake poster being spotted?

            john davis involvement in identifying and quarantining the fakes
has been critical over the last several months.  had he not been around i’m
positive others would still continue to get ripped off by them event till
this day. i just can’t stand it when someone sits back and points the finger
when i’m sure given the same set of circumstances john was in wouldn’t have
done it a whole hell of a lot better. if you or anyone else thinks that
their all world at spotting any kind of fake poster, lobby, ect. and/or
permanent restoration and will never screw up please start a business and
put your money where your mouth is. i’d certainly like to see it.


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