thanks to Roger Kim... did you send the asian mafia after the Japan guy?

see I did a order for Japan... Clappers... the guy said hey Ill just pay you part upfront as I dont trust you...

and your quality is not great... I thought this Funny as hes the only one on earth to say that, and all the ebay people were paying retail..... so in the past when he would gripe I would give replacement product even though he was in Japan ..He would keep complaing but would keep ordering... and act like I needed to prove that I was wworthy of japan orders! Then after awhileI thought... wait a minute.... and I said No you will pay Now in full and by wire transfer ..

Plus i offered 300.00 worth of product if he paid in advance... he also told me I had a two week window or he would fine me 10% late fee also said be like Toyota not GM and several other insults... So I said OK now you can pay me the 300.oo for extra product and ill wait to ship till all clears. the Bank.. Roger kim advised me get the payment in advance so I asked him as Im not sure the asian culture..

So the japan man actually phoned me and apologized and said he will honor the deal and never insult me or make coments on my product quality again.... strange eh?? all the time i respected him and thought he was like a sensi trying to help me when when he actually was trying to kill me like Kato in the pink panther films.. jumpin me at every turn.. I was just too stupid and gullabile and respectful of the japenese... anyways he also said Im not your brother and not your friend.. I said well I respected you and I drive a damn Toyota matrix so i like Japan craftsman and I always told you truth and thought you were like my japan brother and friend.. BUT Now I dont trust you and Im angry and pissed OFF bigtime... so why dont i just send Your deposit back and we call it a day..!!! well he said no I want the clappers and you are the clapper king.. of the world.. so I must be pretty damn Good or Im dealing with a madman from Japan or BOTH

I finished on time and then he said send before I got paid.... that made my bisquits start Burning
so I had to go to bank and open a special account for wire transfers...
OHHH when I asked ebay wha tthis guys status was .. he was suspended from ebay... For failure to pay his winning bids... made me feel great about him so thats why I decided to do wire transfer only
am I tough cookie or what!!!

rooooaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr !!!  :)

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