At 05:49 PM 12/7/2009, Rudy Franchi wrote:
Quite a bit of work went into this piece on remake posters vs. those
for the original release.

A really interesting article.  Thanks, Rudy, for passing it along.

Others have pointed out where it's inaccurate for including re-issue
posters, rather than the actual initial release posters.  I'll point out
one where it's, perhaps, too accurate.  For "The Wicker Man", he
includes the poster Warner Bros. used for its test market of the
film before they shelved it.  (The poster was part of Warner's poor
campaign, selling the film as a "shocker" thriller and revealing the
surprise ending; something the remake's poster did as well.)  The
poster used for the actual general -- albeit independent -- release
looked completely different.


Craig Miller        Wolfmill Entertainment

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