The film is actually available on a region 2 DVD from the UK.


>>> luminita hascalovitz <> 12/14/2009 6:44 PM >>>

Hi Freeman,


Thanks for the head's up. As many times as I've seen this movie I'll watch it 
again tonight. It's one of my favorites and I'm happy to have the style B 
1-sheet in my collection.


Great stuff,




Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:46:05 -0500

    Off topic but maybe not.  Tonight at 8:00 PM EST (5:00 Pacific)  Turner 
Classics is airing Frank Capra's  jaw-dropping and all together amazing early 
drama,  THE BITTER TEA OF GENERAL YEN.   I bring this up as many on this site 
have commented on their fondness for Barbara Stanwyck and for my money, this 
one is hard to beat.   It is NOT available on DVD and rarely airs at a decent 
BITTER TEA opened RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL and BOMBED,  pulled I believe after one 
week  and quickly replaced with another Capra great "LADY FOR A DAY"  (talk 
about back-up!!).  Anyway TEA's  subject of miscegenation (or the 
"mongrelization of the races" as it was known in the South) was still very much 
taboo in 1933 and probably not what the Depression era masses were looking for 
as an entertaining trip to the movies in spite of showing in the greatest 
Temple To Cinema ever created.  (Stanwyck also starred in BABY FACE the same 
year, talk about an actress with "cajones")
    It took nearly 60 years for the film to be re-discovered and now has a 
hard-core legion of devotees.   If you have ever wondered why the lobby cards 
cost $800 and up  for such an obscure title watching it will explain a lot.  
Film costars Nils Asther (in amazing make-up) as General Yen, a Chinese Warlord 
who plays his character so deliciously you will think of Anton Walbrook  in the 
RED SHOES or other such career defining performances.
    Film is very much of the time (xenophobic, well yes)  but it melodrama at 
its best and is stunningly art directed and photographed. I promise, you will 
not be disappointed giving this film a look.   LOST HORIZON follows so for a 
Monday evening you could not ask for a better double bill.  
freeman fisher
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