I have news for you... Our youngest is in college and she's had to pay for it herself, with a little help from us. NOT ONE POSTER WAS SOLD for this. It's gone to: if anyone is ever kidnapped, we can save them, or 'if we get an incurable disease where the cure is in another country THEN...' and 'as long as it's not about Harry or the Thurston 'Rose Queen', or the Cat People or my B&B Antelopes from 1890, and you know, we just went ahead and put all the posters in the will. I'm sure we'll end up living by train tracks in a shanty with our posters and our cats... ;)

What began as my husband's obsession has morphed into our preferred way of life. All I want is a large church or warehouse, movie theatre or museum that we can convert into a home. I want all the 24 shts up. I want them ALL up. I want to live in a museum setting. I want wood benches, fabulous lighting, and a kick-ass security system. We're already eccentric, so what does it matter what others think? They're all wrong. We want to sell both homes and live out our dreams. So, if anyone knows of such a place (where the climate is primarily warm), please give a shout. My husband declared last week, and he meant it, that he is now allergic to the cold. No amount of discussion will change it. So warm climate is my only hope.

Personally, I'd love some stained glass windows and domed ceilings, but that's being pushy....


On Jan 17, 2010, at 4:30 AM, steve olson wrote:

My wife and I live part time in another country and I usually come home before she does. That gives me an opening to take over nice virgin walls and put up such things as a 6 sheet of a train wreck (Green Eyed Monster) and a 3 sheet of smiling Japanese girls giving Sean Connery a hand-job (You Only Live Twice). Last time back I put up Deep Throat and Supervixens. She never even complains about the horror posters, although I have had visitors boycott the spare room with the Time Machine 3 sheet. When I see “that look” on her face I go into all the other bad habits I could have and that posters will put our kid thru college and she backs off. It is good to be married to a smart woman. Now if I could only get her to let me start on the master bedroom…

From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of Claude Litton
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] real poster issues are afoot (warning: loong)

I guess I am truly lucky. I have almost 300 posters framed in the house and many are my wife's choices. The entire sci-fi and monster collection was her choosing. I was a Chan and Bond collector before she got into the act. Today many of the posters are the ones she wanted.

My wife has three walls of movie posters in her office in the house and her favorite is TCFTBL.


In a message dated 1/15/2010 3:43:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, filmfantast...@msn.com writes:

I read Allen's post and had a few laughs along the way. Then I read Freeman's post and I live that scenario almost everyday when my male customers, which for movie posters is the majority, come into my shop or call me. I have a very funny story of one of my longtime customers who has a beautiful collection. He use to come in about 4 -5 times a year with his newest acquisition. One day I see him come up to the door and his arms are filled with posters and tubes. I open the door for him and ask him if he's been on a buying bonanza. He says to me, "well I have to tell you I am getting married, so I have to get all this framed before she finds out how much I spend on this hobby of mine." I thought that was so funny. He's been married probably for about 8 years now and I only see him maybe once a year or every to years. Everytime he comes in, we laugh about that scene that day and, of course, he doesn't buy many movie posters anymore.

I've heard other stories also. "I'm decorating my man cave", which is either the garage or the basement or closet of an office!! Hey, I've collected movie posters for over 35 years and, with each year, another one comes down to make way for more of the kid's pictures or artwork, but I promise never to hang a Thomas Kinkade print on my wall!!


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:46:18 -0800
From: aday_5...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [MOPO] real poster issues are afoot (warning: loong)
Howdy y'all,

Recently, I purchased frames from Sue at Hollywoodposterframes, so I could achieve a consistent appearance, instead of the mishmash of frames for my posters. (many thanks, Sue)

This has led to an opportunity to display additional posters, which naturally, has led to unforeseen issues. To wit ... I need to gain approval for appropriateness thru the missus, 'nuff said.

Iconic (and I use the term loosely) posters plainly denied:

Night of the Living Dead, (and nearly any monster poster)

Nude on the Moon (and just about any sexploitation poster)

An example in particular: After getting 'I Love Trouble' past a cursory inspection, I receive a rather terse question:

"Is that a gun?"

To which I replied ... "Well ... yeah, but it is small and you didn't see it initially ... you think I could get a pass on this one?"

Soooo ... everything is flowing smoothly, we are choosing among available wall space for an ideal location for "I Love Trouble" ... and then ...

"Wait a minute ... are those nipples?"

Aaaaaahhhh ... married life, we should all be so lucky.

P.S. I apologize for not having an image of "I Love Trouble" readily available, long time collectors and dealers will hopefully visualize the poster.

P.S.S. If anyone would like to view a recent pic of the best looking, happiest 8 month baby on the planet, please reply, and you'll find that you can't help but smile.



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