Thank you for posting this, David, and thank you even more for your kind words. It was a wonderful moment, and had I known it was going to be posted on MoPo, I would have whipped out my window card from "Her Jungle Love" at the end of the tune to keep it on topic. (I have a gorgeous card from that film right next to my "White Huntress" insert in my studio. Very equatorial group of visuals.) Under that rock guitarist facade lies a true dweebus americanus who loves nothing more than talking about tape stains, pin holes, and what a dumb idea slabbing is.
Greg Douglass
David Kusumoto wrote:
*** I know this is off-topic, but this has to be shared as a great "break" from posters. As some of you know, our own Greg Douglass wrote many songs - most notably the top-40 single, "Jungle Love" (1977) - when he was with the Steve Miller Band. (He's also worked with the likes of Van Morrison and Greg Kihn.)

** Greg wrote recently on his Facebook page, "My first-time-in-30-years-complete-and-utter-surprise performance of 'Jungle Love' with the Steve Miller band" was captured on video by fan/friend Dave Evans on July 9, 2010, at the Pechanga Resort here in Southern California (Temecula, east of L.A. in the Inland Empire). It was posted on You Tube on July 18. Enjoy!

** (BTW, Greg's FB profile modestly notes that he's only a "semi-famous" guitarist who lives in the San Diego area with his "lovely wife, two dysfunctional cats, and a large collection of horror movie posters.")*
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