Hi, Everyone,
  I just went to my office and pulled the poster---it's actually a  1974 
reissue, not a 1974. That makes perfect sense.  The studio wanted to  cash in 
on the success of The Sting.  In the bottom left border below  R74/313,
is printed ROBERT REDFORD AS "BIG HALSY"---All this makes perfect  sense.  
What DOESN'T make sense, though, is apparently how FEW of these  things 
there are out there.  Strange, though, now that I look at the top of  the 
I notice is written:
                                         ROBERT REDFORD
                      In The Motion Picture That Everyone's Discovering
  From The Producer of "The Godfather" and the director of "Lady Sings  The 
  I'm sure it was the success of The Sting that did it, though. Funny,  in 
looking at the portrait of Redford, shirtless with a bandana tied around his 
 neck---looking VERY LITTLE like Redford....more like the hot blond  star 
of a 70's porno flick.  Who knows...maybe Redford didn't like it and  asked 
for the posters to be pulled...

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