I just started a FANTASTIC Pressbook Auction on

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I mean it's a Fantastic Auction with lots of super-rare and classic titles.
Many of these probably won't be seen for years.. As Dave says "A long time can go by without one of these coming up for sale". With these pressbooks, that is a truth!!

Look at these titles and keep in mind, this auction is chock full of such great titles

<>BLACK FRIDAY 1940 Pressbook .. Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi *UNIVERSAL*
Current Bid: $46.00

<>ABRAHAM LINCOLN 1937R Pressbook .. John Huston directed by D.W. GRIFFITH
Current Bid: $0.99

<>CALL of the SAVAGE 1935 Pressbook .. Noah Beery Jr *UNIVERSAL SERIAL*
Current Bid: $0.99

<>CONFLICT 1945 Pressbook .. Humphrey Bogart, Alexis Smith, S. Greenstreet
Current Bid: $0.99

<>COOL HAND LUKE 1967 Pressbook .. Paul Newman Classic
Current Bid: $0.99

<>CORONADO 1935 Pressbook .. Johnny Downs, Betty Burgess, EDDY DUCHIN
Current Bid: $0.99

<>COURAGE of LASSIE 1946 Pressbook .. Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Morgan
Current Bid: $0.99

<>JUKE GIRL 1942 Pressbook .. Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan, Howard Da Silva
Current Bid: $0.99

<>LOLITA 1962 Pressbook .. James Mason, Sue Lyon, Peter Sellers *KUBRICK*
Current Bid: $6.00

<>ONE HOUR WITH YOU 1932 Pressbook .. Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald
Current Bid: $0.99

<>SAINT JOAN 1957 Pressbook .. Great images of SAUL BASS ART
Current Bid: $0.99

<>SEE AMERICA THIRST 1930 Pressbook .. Harry Langdon, Slim Summerville
Current Bid: $0.99

<>UNDER-COVER MAN 1932 Pressbook .. George Raft, Nancy Carroll, Lew Cody
Current Bid: $0.99

<>UNDERWATER 1955 Pressbook .. Sexy Jane Russell in bathing suit
Current Bid: $0.99

<>WINDOW, the 1949 Pressbook .. Hale, Driscoll, Kennedy, Stewart *FILM NOIR
Current Bid: $0.99

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