Franc one of the things that I do think is fairly retarded is that at the Hollywood show, many stars will charge you an extra $5 to sign the item you walked in with.

let's do the math $30 for me to give you my photo that cost me money with my autograph.
$35 for your photo which cost me nothing

if anything, it should be reversed - $25 to sign your photo

At 12:09 PM 2/20/2012, Franc wrote:
I was actually at an autograph in which Ann-Margaret was the star attraction and there was a huge sign announcing "no photos". She was however selling her own photos and autographs. I thought that was ridiculous. I was also at a show with Sam J. Jones. I was willing to pay him to autograph things I brought auch as the one sheet from Flash Gordon and his centerfold but he was only willing to autograph the photo repro crap he brought with him. Admittedly I wanted to re-sell that stuff on Ebay but he didn't know that. He told me he was "in a different place now". I wanted to inform him that he was at a tacky celebrity show in Burbank but I didn't bother. If celebrities don't want to be photographed in a public place, I can almost understand that but if they actually come to a celebrity show to sell their autographs and their photos, I can't fathom why they wouldn't allow a fan to take a photo with them or to autograph a personal memorabilia that a fan has brought especially when the fan would pay for this dubious honor. FRANC
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] paying for autographs

Franc.. I agree that people saying "don't take my picture" when they are in a public place is also ridiculous. You are in a public place and when companies are filming movies in a casino (for instance) there are signs up explaining that being in the general area constitutes your agreement to be filmed without remuneration. Why should that apply to me, but not Ann-Margret??

At 11:41 AM 2/20/2012, Franc wrote:
Frankly, I get pissed off when celebrities come to a show and won't allow anyone to take their photo such as Ann-Margaret or won't sign personal items you've brought such as Sam J. Jones. You wonder why did they bother coming to a celebrity autograph show?. I have no problem however with them asking for money for this. FRANC
-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [ mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] paying for autographs

Not sure if Mike's "Right or Wrong" question pertains to the celebrities selling their autographs at shows or the buyers selling their signed merchandise. Either way, it's a legal living unless they are forged. Nothing wrong with it.

I get a kick out of meeting the child stars like Jay North, Paul Peterson, Jon Provost, Mary Badham, Erin Murphy, etc. at some of the events. But sometimes can't help wondering why they would spend an entire day or weekend seated behind a table selling their autographs for $10 each or posing with you for pictures for the same price.

Sports figures sometimes have an autograph clause in their contracts requiring them to appear at exhibitions, sign autographs and generate income for the sponsors.

From: Claude Litton <>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] paying for autographs
you ask if it is RIGHT OR WRONG

What is wrong with selling something you have that someone else wants and is willing to pay for it. In addition it matters not how it was acquired . If you own it and want to sell it - go for it. I'll give you an example. What about those who sell the catalogs they get free from Heritage?


In a message dated 2/20/2012 10:56:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
read the last posting dated January Jan 11, 2012 of the link below

i know that some ballplayers appearing at sport shows charge for autographs. OJ !!!

some celebrities do, likewise.

is that right or wrong ?

keep in mind, many people, including MOPOers have told that they mail inserts, photographs to film-stars, include a return envelope and ask for an autograph, which receive gracious responses. (obviously more stories like that years ago before a celebrity died)


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