My father was one of the funniest and brightest people I have ever known. A 
couple of sayings where "Don't tell me your problems, I've got problems of my 
own" and "everybodys got problems".  When ask "how you doing?" he would say 
"Terrible but normal, but as long as it's normal it OK". These would put people 
at ease as he true meaning was just the opposite.

It does point out reality that nobody gets a free pass in life and the fact 
that there are always obstacles and always millions of people that have or are 
dealing now with obsticals far worse than your own. As a picker for me the most 
enjoyable part is the search and find. That doesn't get taken away, by loosing 
stuff. So the search goes on. If I end up with something from this that will 
just give me more liquidity to continue the search and find.

I look forward to finding another find like"The Grand Hotel" so I can get 
MOPO's jealous types fired up again as they did when I first posted on MOPO.

Thanks for sharing some of your own losses and how you've pick it up and moved 
forward and the reality that everybodys got problems. It looks worse looking in 
from the outside vs. in looking out. 



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 13:01:33 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [MOPO] movie posters lost in fire

Interesting thread... to hear all the storys of loss due to natual
disasters or Fire and flood is amaizing.... and this is just mopo  ed
and sue, Joe, Brek, Dot and David K.
I remember David Ks fire when he saw that his family and animals
where the most important..
And Dot impreesed me with her ability to focus and get the documents

When trauma hits the hard part is staying calm and getting focused
because its a really unusuak event that we seldom prepare for...

The think i notice is it seems to give a fresh new outllok to those
that have experienced it and they also have a better understanding of
those that lose everything. Instead of being resentful these people
rebound and rebuild  snd help others. 
So perhaps its a way to expand our ability to understand.
I like the attitudes the common one seems to be .. be thankful for
everything, think in advance, and see that things can happen that you
would never expect.
God bless everyone

>---- Original Message ----
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] movie posters lost in fire
>Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 00:09:50 -0800
>>This reply is to Brek more than Ed & Sue, but they also understand
>the feelings.
>>We lost our poster collection in the Old Fire in San Bernardino in
>2003. Our home, everything but the clothes we had on, the computer
>hard drives I had time to grab, and the vehicles we were driving.
>(Tom was at work.) Our collection wasn't near as large as Brek's, and
>we wish him well in is battle to cover the financial part of the
>loss. Also, good luck in dealing with getting reimbursed. Our
>homeowner's policy paid about half the value. Reason I grabbed the
>hard drives - databases & photos of the poster collection, books,
>Budweiser mugs, etc. plus tax records, etc. Without that, we'd have
>gotten nothing. We had really good adjustors and they helped
>tremendously. Brek, We wish you and your family well in dealing with
>your loss, Ed and Sue, I still think of you often. Joe, too.
>>I guess this note is sent to persuade all of you to keep your
>insurance current, good records of everything you own, and pictures
>of them, too.
>>Brek and your family, Ed & Sue, Joe, and all that have  been
>affected by a "natural disaster" hang tough and blessings to you in
>recovering emotionally. Some folks in MOPO and Style B gave us some
>very special goodies that proved how special lots of folks are!!!! 
>>One of the assholes that started that fire is about to go to trial
>for arson. I'd still like to get my hands on him! While waiting
>trial, he's been convicted of forced sodomy. Maybe he'll get what is
>coming to him.
>>Best of all to those of you who have to face the aftermath of
>something like this.
>>BEst Regards,
>>On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:35 PM, ed Poole wrote:
>>> Hi Brek,
>>> We definitely feel for your loss… when Sue and I got married, we
>lost a business because of Hurricane Frederick which amounted to a
>little over a million in loss. This was well inland in Mississippi
>and not normally subject to hurricane damage.
>>> We were so devastated that we vowed to maintain insurance from
>then on. So, we kept everything insured for 30 years without ever
>making a claim. Then when Hurricane Katrina hit, we thought
>everything would be fine… Unfortunately, we fought for 2 years to get
>only 40% of the BUILDING damage (with a slight amount for general
>contents) and they wouldn’t even CONSIDER  the 1000s of posters that
>we lost as well.
>>> So, just because you have insurance doesn’t mean everything is
>AUTOMATICALLY safe!! Some things you just can’t prepare for.
>>> We feel for your loss and hope you can recover.  
>>> Ed & Sue
>>> ed Poole
>>> owner
>>> 504-298-LAMP
>>> From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of
>Brek Anderson
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 2:10 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] movie posters lost in fire video link
>>> Thanks Bruce,
>>> And thanks to the many that have expressed sympathy. As I have
>said I hope others can learn from this.
>>> As I have been blasted before when I first got on MOPO about 7
>years ago, I am hesitant to even post on MOPO. I was very close to
>leaving MOPO back then. After a few that seem to want to bring you
>down if you are up or down on MOPO who don't even know you has made
>me come close to leaving several times.  I am very close to leaving
>the forum now based on the few, but the many great members keep me
>hanging on. But don't be surprised if there one less member soon.
>Most have no idea of others investments, but my loss totaled over 3
>million and wiped me out. So I don't take kindly to those who makes
>them feel better to tear you down. It's not the critic that counts.
>The large law firm that has taken my case on contingency is very
>confident I will re-coop some of the loss. It will take about a year
>to find out.
>>> Brek
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Bruce Hershenson 
>>> Sent: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 19:33:44 -0000 (UTC)
>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] movie posters lost in fire video link
>>> First off, I think you guys really are being insensitive to Brek's
>massive loss. Of course he wishes he had done so much differently,
>but now is not the time to tell him that.
>>> I can tell you that this has caused a fair number of consignors to
>send me large consignments. I have had some major consignors who had
>never planned to sell anything in their lifetime, but after a theft,
>or a fire, or a broken pipe, or a flood, changed their mind in a
>hurry and gave me some or all of their collection. And all told me
>later that there was a major sense of relief once they no longer had
>to worry every time they left their house that their collection would
>be there unharmed when they returned.
>>> Bruce
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