Woody Allen cast one of my favorite actors in his movie Stardust 
Memories. Charlotte Rampling.  So the guy is OK in my book.

From: Franc <fdav...@verizon.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] OT - Evan Zweifel and David Kusumoto in Public

Let's lighten the mood a bit by slightly changing the subject. I blow hot
and cold on Woody's films but there's one character so beautifully drawn in
Crimes and Misdeamors that it moved me to belly laughs because this
character was someone right out of my life. It's no secret that Woody Allen
is not a fan of public television. He's had an on-going feud with Channel 13
in NYC for years. Well, I worked for public television as Head of the
Business Affairs and Legal Department for years and I worked alongside a
Production Head who kept trying to pitch his "great" idea for a series to
anyone who'd listen: he wanted to film the great thinkers and their
lectures. Just one camera with one person each week delivering his "great
thinker" lecture straight-on for an hour....that was the whole idea. I went
to see Crimes and Misdeamors in the theater and sure enough there's a
character in that film who wants to make a public television film about the
lectures of a great thinker. I never laughed so much in my life and I have
no idea if Woody based this character on the Production Head I worked with
but I always suspected he might of.  FRANC

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jay
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] OT - Evan Zweifel and David Kusumoto in Public

Please stop, both of you.

Since this is a Woody Allen flame thread, I am reminded of the scene in 
Annie Hall, where the two guys are arguing over the meaning of Marshall 
McLuhan's work and Woody breaks the fourth wall by bringing Marshall 
himself into the frame to tell both of them that they have absolutely no 
clue.  Please consider.


On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 15:38:57 +0000, Evan Zweifel wrote:
> David,
> Please stop.
> Nobody on this list (or frankly any list) deserves this type of
> abuse.
> I find it odd that in a post where you admit that you cannot know "who 
> or what" I am, you clearly feel that its acceptable attack me at a 
> personal level.
> Again, I apologize for questioning your opinions on the quality of 
> recent Woody Allen films.
> Evan

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