1. Rudy suckers you into sending posters to Heritage

Suckers? I wouldn't have used that word. He was eager to make some money off a 

2. Heritage gets the posters, send you an inventory list and you think stuff is 

Correction, Heritage lists only posters they are putting up for the next 
auction. We do not realize there is something wrong here. We ask Heritage about 
what is not on the list and are told Heritage has a secure inventory and 
tagging process.

 Heritage sells posters that aren't on the inventory list, sends you a 
check for $11K for at least one of them, and then doesn't sell other 
items that are on the list.

Correction, Heritage then sells another poster -- which we didn't know was or 
wasn't on an inventory.

4. You are so mad about the 
missing items you decide to pack up another box of posters to send to 
Heritage without telling them and without making an inventory

Correction - We are happy with the sales and think Heritage earned their 
commission. We think they are doing a good job and after this 2nd check clears, 
decide to send them more product. 

We are not aware of missing posters because in our conversations with Heritage, 
we are asked whether we want to sell these in Heritage's weekly auction. As our 
Star Wars sales are very good on ebay, we decline. We are told our posters are 
safely held as they are tagged and inventoried.

5. Several months later you are mad because they didn't tell you about the 
package you never told them was coming.

Correction. After sending the 2nd batch, I call them to see when they are going 
to auction the new material we sent. Christ doesn't know what I am talking 
about promises to look into it. In our subsequent conversation, he states our 
posters have little value so they won't list them in the signature auction. To 
which, I ask, what about the Get Carter and Lennon poster knowing full well 
these two sold in the Feb. 2010 auction.

6. You argue about #2 and #5 for a while7. Heritage says they sent you back 
everything they have.
8. You say they didn't.

Correction, see the following revised 6,7, 8 & 9. 

6. We argue, I complain, Grey threatens me with a law suit for slander and 

7. It takes a couple of months to hire the right lawyer to protect us from 
slander and libel. I then air my grievances publicly.

8.  Heritage offers to sell our future consignments without a commission, which 
we decline. Heritage then offers to donate the value of the Get Carter & Lennon 
to charity, which we also decline. 

9. Grey then sends back the inventory of ours he has -- and yes, that is when I 
get really mad. Upon opening the packages and seeing what was in it, I was 
furious. Of course, I immediately knew something was amiss because the shipping 
tubes were not the ones we had bought from Uline and shipped off our posters to 
Heritage in. In other words, our posters were unpacked and repacked.

It was then I sat down and went through the Heritage file with a fine tooth 

Am I raving mad right now? 

No, I'd say the work it takes to challenge a well-loved dealer whom most of you 
do business with regularly takes the uumph out of any anger. 

If anything, I am calmly rational now, knowing that we learned a good lesson 
which others can learn from also.

 From: Sean Linkenback <s...@platinumposters.com>
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi

So to get the timeline correct:

-----Original Message-----
From: Geraldine Kudaka [mailto:gkud...@rocketmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 09:15 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi

Rudy, this list is not just for dealers.

There are a lot of people who lurk here who are interested in movie posters. 
They are not professional dealers in the business. Some may be non-poster 
business people interested in selling off collections acquired from either a 
lifetime of working in the industry, or inherited them from dad, who passed on.

This is also a public list which non-subscribers go to for archived information 
on how to sell their posters..

As a noted movie poster expert, these uninformed sellers need to know that you 
will encourage them to send their collections "post vite" to Heritage. 

You will not tell them that they need to protect themselves by doing a 
photographic inventory and log of their posters before sending to Heritage. 

You will not warn them that Heritage's inventory process is suspect and their 
software probably some home-user Access-like database program. (Here, I'm 
referring to security differences between programs like Quicken and true 
business accounting software which do not allow you to change entries without 
leaving a trail.)

You will not tell them that heritage will not return posters they do not sell.

You will simply funnel them to Heritage  -- for your commission.  

For this reason - among others - an esteemed seller on this list posted a wish 
that you were dead... 

Need I remind you I defended you? This was before I sat down and went though 
our Heritage file and discovered what was really going on. This was before I 
went online and found that Heritage has been accused by others for stealing 
items submitted for consignment.

Last -- if you think you have spent "a huge amount of time" on this issue, get 
real. Suggesting we comply with Heritage's offer of selling without commission 
fees is certainly not an email that takes a lot of time to write. After Grey 
threatened us with legal action, wehave spent far more money on attorney's fees 
than you have... That's a hard financial cost on top of the value of posters 
sent to Heritage.

While I appreciate your suggestion we go bankrupt "sueing everybody involved", 
I will decline your advice.

In the start, I said this list is not just for dealers. My emails are for the 
lurking public, now and in the future. 


 From: rudy franchi <r...@nostalgia.com>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 10:41 AM
Subject: [MOPO] Reply To Geraldine
It seems that I can't post to MOPO without Geraldine popping out like
a cuckoo bird on a spring. This has gone beyond rational discussion.
I've spent a huge amount of time on this problem and Grey has
spent the equivalent of days in hour after hour of trying to reach a
satisfactory conclusion.  Perhaps Geraldine should just sue everyone
involved. After she loses, she can appeal it all the way to the
Supreme Court where it will go down in judicial history as "When I've Got A
Hammer  vs. Everything's A Nail."  Meanwhile, I will continue to
occasionally post here and just put up with the tirades. On some of
the stock market discussion boards I visit, one can put a particularly
annoying person on "ignore" so that their posts won't show up in your
message box. Would that we could do that here.

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