

I'm so sorry to hear about this ending to the saga.


All the best to you in the future.  I truly believe that, ultimately, good
things happen to good people (although I also recognize that sometimes bad
things happen to good people).






From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Diane
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: [MOPO] As The Dracula Lawsuit Turns-Final Update


To All  - 


Well, after numerous postponements, numerous letters to the Judge and over 3
years in time, today I received a Judgment against me in the amount of:

$263,312.50, plus attorney fees of $18,134.80.  That is our justice system,
and in my opinion, not its finest moment!.


Thank you to all that tried to help me, and to all the encouraging private
emails I received about this.



Studio C


PS - If you see an old lady that appears to need help crossing the street,
or if you see something in this world that appears to be morally not right,
DO NOT do anything, I repeat, DO NOT do anything!!!!!!! Lesson for today.

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