More than 1200 lots of great, beautiful and rare vintage posters! All are 
online and open for bidding in the Heritage Signature auction event, March 22 
and 23. Offered in the selection are these wonderful images from an attic find!<>

Justin Hall and his wife Katie, both 27 years old, discovered the posters after 
they moved into a fixer-upper late last year. When a pawn shop offered Hall a 
fast $500 sight unseen for the dusty box he pulled from the garage attic, 
something told him the posters - which date between 1895 and 1918 - might be 
more valuable than he initially thought.

"One afternoon we started looking through them and right away we noticed the 
color on some of them is amazing," said Hall, an engineer. "Some of them my 
wife loved and wanted to mount and hang on the walls. All that changed when we 
learned they may be worth a few thousand dollars apiece. My father-in-law asked 
if he could research them and he did the leg work and learned a lot."

Bessie Love<> 
full-bleed one sheet (Pathe, 1918). Est. $1,400+.

The Matrimonial 
Martyr<> (Pathé, 
1916). Est. $1,400+.

His Birthright<> 
(Haworth Pictures Corp., 1918). Est. $1,000+.

The Temple of 
Dusk<> (Mutual, 
1918). Est. $1,000+.

Barnum and Bailey; 24 Monster and Baby Performing 
(Strobridge Litho Co., 1896). Est. $1,500+.

Barnum and Bailey; Imre Kiralfy's Columbus and the Discovery of 
(Strobridge Litho Co., 1891). Est. $1,000+.

Barnum and Bailey: Furious Two and Four-Horse Chariot 
(Strobridge Litho Co., 1895). Est. $800+.

Barnum and Bailey: World's Largest, Grandest, Best Amusement 
(Strobridge Litho Co., 1899). Est. $800+.

James J. Corbett Personality 
(Strobridge, 1890s). Est. $1,500+.

Warren G. Harding Political 
Poster<> (Moffett 
Printing, 1920). Est. $500+.

Twelfth Night<> 
stage poster featuring Viola Allen (Strobridge Litho Co., 1903). Est. $800.

Hoyt's A Midnight 
(Strobridge Litho Co., 1896). Est. $400+.

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