Keep up the great work Rich.

 From: Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:56 PM
Subject: [MOPO] A Letter From a Consignor about sending his posters to

I was very flattered recently when I got an email from one of my
consignors complimenting me on the service I gave him.
It was such a nice email and worthy of posting. I asked him if he minded
my posting it and he said yes as long as I edited out his name.
Here it is, in all it's glory

Hi Rich

First, I wanted to thank you so much for your handling of my consignment
on Movieposterbid.
It was handled professionally, expertly and fairly. 
You promoted my items spectacularly in your posts and in your ads that I
saw in Classic Images.
You gave me a time frame that my material would be sold in and you met
that date like clockwork.
My items were described well and most importantly, I was happy with the
prices achieved for my items as an overall sale and to cap it all off, I
was paid fast.
I did an Excel spreadsheet after you finished selling my posters &
did some painstaking work to compare the results you got for posters at
the other site and I was pleasantly surprised! Though some items you sold
went for considerably less than I hoped, other items went for more and
after your fees, I believe I actually made more money with you selling my
items and part of this was due to the fact that your top fee is only 25%
and it made all the difference.

Thank you Sir.

I've been collecting for decades and over the years I have consigned
material to all the major auctions, though mostly to just one because the
material that I have that Heritage would want - and that I plan to send
them at some point - have not been the items that I want to sell yet,
though at some point before I die I do plan to.
Now that I have seen what you can do for me, it's entirely possible that
you may even get some of this material down the road.

One of the auctions that I have consigned to, which had really been the
only auction to deal with for some years, really never left me feeling as
good as I felt getting your checks. The first problem was that it seemed
to be months and months before my first items were sold. Much longer than
it should have been in my opinion, but not having much choice other than
selling myself on eBay - they got my material. They were still sending me
checks in 2013 for items I sent there in 2009!  Foolishly, I thought
my consignments to any big dealer would not need me to check to see that
I have been paid for all my items sold, but years after my final
consignment to them, I believe that about a dozen or so posters I am
certain I sent them never appeared on any of the forms accompanying
payment checks, but because I did not make a complete list nor did I
photograph any, it isn't possible for me to validate my claim to them
well enough to make a complaint, even when he repeatedly emails me about
future consignments. To him I say "Thanks, but no

It was time for me to consider other avenues to sell the posters I no
longer wanted to keep and so, you got them.
But here's the good news. I am so happy with how you handled my
consignment that I am already getting another batch of material ready to
send you!

I apologize if my email was particularly long, but obviously I had a lot
to say.
If I was going to recommend any auction to any of my friends, at this
point it would be Movieposterbid
You are a true professional.

Thank you for your great service
Name Withheld at the Request of Consignor

If you are considering consigning your posters to any
auction, please consider

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