sued out of existence, but only evaporated to avoid any fines and they continue to exist under some name I forget

fully story

a few years back I was called by an auction here in town if I wanted to go look at some posters they were selling that week

I go down and it was all shit and oversized shit to boot. 30x40s and 40x60s etc
so I'm sitting in the guy's office talking to him just fo rthe hell of it and he says "yeah, those posters all came out of this place on eastern ave...." and I interrupt "... Eastern.... was this MovieGoods?" (yes they had a building here)
and he sparks up "Yes-s-s. That's who it was. Did you know them?"

and we got onto a conversation
it turns out that MovieGoods moved out of the building as the proverbial "Thieves in the Night" during the night before they were about to be served an eviction notice for non-payment of rent
and they left all this shit behind, clearly because it was all shit

fits right in with their known methods of operation

At 05:18 PM 10/14/2014, Tom Martin wrote:
so I just wondered what ever happend to MovieGoods these guys I remember a Bob Mclaughlin I think from Canada and they had tons of ads and where selling so many things,,but I dont see hem now... what happened.. I guess they where in Las Vegas On Paridise road... any INFO?? Ive seen so many changes since I started in this biz in 1977.. what about everyone else? when I sarted I think what was fun was meeting the eclectic collectors that told me about thier hobbys and would have me look for some really obscure stuff..for some strange reason I would find I cant even find my shoes..:) each day I am remeberingMore.. In the hospital they have shrinks see if you have cognicent memory as tehey would come in and ask me movie trivia... as pop culture hisory was my thing... at the time I remeber saying heyyyy how many peopel would know that answer not knowing that was the whole point to test my I would be talking about vivien Leigh and then give them back story on peopel when they just wated to see if I remebered anything...when the one doc came in he said YOU must be Mr. Martin.... I looked up and I swear he looked like larry fine of the stogges and I said and you must be Larry fine.... nyuck nyuck nyuck.... he said Is see you didnt lose you humor..I relized I just insulted the poor doc but he had the identical hair puffs like Larry.....guess you had to be there....they just loved me in the Hospital Im sure,,:):)


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At 05:28 PM 10/14/2014, Posteropolis wrote:

Last I heard Moviegoods was sued by, I think, Disney and Fox because they
were printing unlicensed movie posters. They've since folded, though I
understand they have a warehouse in Charlotte, NC. Or at least did, until


-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: October-14-14 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] what ever happened to MOVIEGOODS?

  so I just wondered what ever happend to MovieGoods these guys I
remember a Bob Mclaughlin I think from Canada and they had tons of ads
and where selling so many things,,but I dont see hem now... what
happened.. I guess they where in Las Vegas On Paridise road... any
INFO?? Ive seen so many changes since I started in this biz in 1977..
what about everyone else? when I  sarted I think what was fun was
meeting the eclectic collectors that told me about thier hobbys and
would have me look for some really obscure stuff..for some strange
reason I would find I cant even find my shoes..:) each day I am
remeberingMore.. In the hospital they have shrinks see if you have
cognicent memory as tehey would come in and ask me movie trivia... as
pop culture hisory was my thing... at the time I remeber saying heyyyy
how many peopel would know that answer not knowing that was the whole
point to test my I would be talking about vivien Leigh and
then give them back story on peopel when they just wated to see if I
remebered anything...when the one doc came in he said YOU must be Mr.
Martin.... I looked up and I swear he looked like larry fine of the
stogges and I said and you must be Larry fine.... nyuck nyuck nyuck....
he said Is see you didnt lose you humor..I relized I just insulted the
poor doc but he had the identical hair puffs like Larry.....guess you
had to be there....they just loved me in the Hospital Im sure,,:):)


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